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obverse of 1 Qindar Ar - Zog I (1935) coin with KM# 14 from Albania. Inscription: SHQIPNI · 1935 · reverse of 1 Qindar Ar - Zog I (1935) coin with KM# 14 from Albania. Inscription: 1 QINDAR · AR R
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1935 R 2,000,000 1 F | 1 VF 2.35 USD
obverse of 50 Lekë - Albanian Antiquity (2003) coin with KM# 86 from Albania. Inscription: 2003 REPUBLIKA E SHQIPERISE 2003 ANTIKITETI SHQIPTAR reverse of 50 Lekë - Albanian Antiquity (2003) coin with KM# 86 from Albania. Inscription: ANTIKITETI SHQIPTAR 50 LEKE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 200,000 1 F 0.75 USD
People's Democratic Republic
obverse of 2 Centimes (1964) coin with KM# 95 from Algeria. Inscription: الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية reverse of 2 Centimes (1964) coin with KM# 95 from Algeria. Inscription: 1964 ۱٣٨٣ ٢ سنتمان
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1383 (1964) 50,000,000 1 VF 0.2 USD
obverse of 10 Centimes (1984 - 1989) coin with KM# 115 from Algeria. Inscription: 1984 reverse of 10 Centimes (1984 - 1989) coin with KM# 115 from Algeria. Inscription: الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية 10
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1984 1 VF 0.25 USD
obverse of 5 Pesos (1976 - 1977) coin with KM# 71 from Argentina. Inscription: REPUBLICA ARGENTINA reverse of 5 Pesos (1976 - 1977) coin with KM# 71 from Argentina. Inscription: 5 PESOS 1976
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1977 66,765,685 1 VF 0.1 USD
obverse of 5 Centavos - Reeded edge (1992 - 2005) coin with KM# 109 from Argentina. Inscription: .REPUBLICA ARGENTINA. EN UNION Y LIBERTAD reverse of 5 Centavos - Reeded edge (1992 - 2005) coin with KM# 109 from Argentina. Inscription: 5 CENTAVOS 1992
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 1 XF 0.23 USD
Dutch colony
obverse of 50 Cents - Beatrix (1986 - 2014) coin with KM# 4 from Aruba. Inscription: ARUBA 2012 reverse of 50 Cents - Beatrix (1986 - 2014) coin with KM# 4 from Aruba. Inscription: 50 c
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2001 506,900 1 VF 0.3 USD
obverse of 1/4 Kreuzer - Franz Joseph I (1851) coin with KM# 2180 from Austria. Inscription: K · K · OESTERREICHISCHE SCHEIDEMUNZE · reverse of 1/4 Kreuzer - Franz Joseph I (1851) coin with KM# 2180 from Austria. Inscription: 1 - 4 KREUZER 1851 A
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1851 A 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 50 Groschen (1946 - 1955) coin with KM# 2870 from Austria. Inscription: · REPUBLIK · ÖSTERREICH reverse of 50 Groschen (1946 - 1955) coin with KM# 2870 from Austria. Inscription: FÜNFZIG 50 19 46 GROSCHEN
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1947 26,990,000 1 VG 0.07 USD
obverse of 100 Fils - Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (2002 - 2008) coin with KM# 26 from Bahrain. Inscription: مملكة البحرين 2002 1423 KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN reverse of 100 Fils - Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (2002 - 2008) coin with KM# 26 from Bahrain. Inscription: 100 فلس
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1429 (2008) 1 XF 0.9 USD
People's Republic
obverse of 10 Poisha - FAO (1974 - 1979) coin with KM# 7 from Bangladesh. reverse of 10 Poisha - FAO (1974 - 1979) coin with KM# 7 from Bangladesh. Inscription: বাংলাদেশ ১০ পয়সা
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1974 5,000,000 1 G 0.08 USD
obverse of 25 Poisha (1977 - 1994) coin with KM# 12 from Bangladesh. reverse of 25 Poisha (1977 - 1994) coin with KM# 12 from Bangladesh. Inscription: বাংলাদেশ ১৯ ৯১ পঁচিশ ২৫ পয়সা
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1984 203,872,000 1 F 0.07 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Beaver (2002) coin with KM# 44 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛIКА БЕЛАРУСЬ АД3IН РУБЕЛЬ reverse of 1 Rouble - Beaver (2002) coin with KM# 44 from Belarus. Inscription: БЯРЭЗІНСКІ БІЯСФЕРНЫ ЗАПАВЕДНІК БАБЕР
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 5,000 1 UNC 25.25 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Grodno (2005) coin with KM# 295 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛIКА БЕЛАРУСЬ АД3IН РУБЕЛЬ reverse of 1 Rouble - Grodno (2005) coin with KM# 295 from Belarus. Inscription: ГРОДНА ГАРАДЫ БЕЛАРУСI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 2,000 1 UNC 40 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Vseslav of Polotsk (2005) coin with KM# 132 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛIКА БЕЛАРУСЬ 1 РУБЕЛЬ reverse of 1 Rouble - Vseslav of Polotsk (2005) coin with KM# 132 from Belarus. Inscription: УСЯСЛАЎ ПОЛАЦКІ 1044 · 1101
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 5,000 1 UNC 13.95 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Spasy (2009) coin with KM# 325 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛИКА БЕЛАРУСЬ АДЗІН РУБЕЛЬ 2009 reverse of 1 Rouble - Spasy (2009) coin with KM# 325 from Belarus. Inscription: СПАСЫ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 5,000 1 UNC 24.5 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Slavianski Bazaar (2011) coin with KM# 339 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛIКА БЕЛАРУСЬ Славянскі базар у Віц reverse of 1 Rouble - Slavianski Bazaar (2011) coin with KM# 339 from Belarus.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 2,500 1 UNC 24 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - Maxim Bagdanovich (2011) coin with KM# 287 from Belarus. Inscription: РЭСПУБЛІКА БЕЛАРУСЬ 1 РУБЕЛЬ 2011 reverse of 1 Rouble - Maxim Bagdanovich (2011) coin with KM# 287 from Belarus. Inscription: М. БАГДАНОВІЧ 1891-1917
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 2,000 1 UNC 18.8 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - 2014 World Ice Hockey Championship Chizhovka Arena (2013) coin with KM# 481 from Belarus. Inscription: ЧЭМПIЯНАТ СВЕТУ ПА ХАКЕI 2014 ГОДА. ЧЫЖОЎКА-АРЭН reverse of 1 Rouble - 2014 World Ice Hockey Championship Chizhovka Arena (2013) coin with KM# 481 from Belarus. Inscription: IIHF 2014 BELARUS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 5,000 1 UNC Unknown
Belgian colony
Belgian Congo
obverse of 1 Centime - Albert I (1910 - 1919) coin with KM# 15 from Belgian Congo. Inscription: **CONGO BELGE · BELGISH-CONGO · A A A A A reverse of 1 Centime - Albert I (1910 - 1919) coin with KM# 15 from Belgian Congo. Inscription: *** 1 C. *** 1910
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1910 2,000,000 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 5 Centimes (1915 - 1916) coin with KM# 80 from Belgium. reverse of 5 Centimes (1915 - 1916) coin with KM# 80 from Belgium. Inscription: BELGIQUE · BELGIE 5 CENT · 1916 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1915 10,199,240 1 F 0.15 USD
obverse of 10 Centimes - Leopold II - French text (1894 - 1901) coin with KM# 42 from Belgium. Inscription: L'UNION FAIT LA FORCE * 1901 * BRAEMT reverse of 10 Centimes - Leopold II - French text (1894 - 1901) coin with KM# 42 from Belgium. Inscription: LEOPOLD II ROI DES BELGES 10 CENTIMES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1895 736,218 1 G Unknown
obverse of 25 Centimes - Leopold III - BELGIQUE-BELGIE (1941 - 1947) coin with KM# 131 from Belgium. Inscription: 1946 reverse of 25 Centimes - Leopold III - BELGIQUE-BELGIE (1941 - 1947) coin with KM# 131 from Belgium. Inscription: BELGIQUE-BELGIE 25C O.JESPERS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1946 21,428,000 1 VG 0.05 USD
obverse of 1 Franc - Leopold III - BELGIE-BELGIQUE (1939 - 1940) coin with KM# 120 from Belgium. Inscription: = BELGIE BELGIQUE reverse of 1 Franc - Leopold III - BELGIE-BELGIQUE (1939 - 1940) coin with KM# 120 from Belgium. Inscription: 1 FR 1940 E.WIJNANTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1940 10,865,000 1 VF 0.35 USD
obverse of 2 Francs - Albert I - Dutch text (1923 - 1930) coin with KM# 92 from Belgium. Inscription: · BELGIE · BONNETAIN reverse of 2 Francs - Albert I - Dutch text (1923 - 1930) coin with KM# 92 from Belgium. Inscription: GOED VOOR 2 F 19 23
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1924 1,000,000 1 VG 2.35 USD
obverse of 50 Euro Cent - Albert II - 1'st Map; 1'st Type; 1'st Portrait (1999 - 2006) coin with KM# 229 from Belgium. Inscription: A II 2002 reverse of 50 Euro Cent - Albert II - 1'st Map; 1'st Type; 1'st Portrait (1999 - 2006) coin with KM# 229 from Belgium. Inscription: 50 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 185,000 In sets only 1 XF 6.18 USD
British colony
obverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1976 - 2012) coin with KM# 33a from Belize. Inscription: QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND reverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1976 - 2012) coin with KM# 33a from Belize. Inscription: · BELIZE · 1 · ONE CENT 2002 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1983 1 VF 0.05 USD
obverse of 10 Centavos (1987 - 2006) coin with KM# 202 from Bolivia. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE BOLIVIA reverse of 10 Centavos (1987 - 2006) coin with KM# 202 from Bolivia. Inscription: LA UNION ES LA FUERZA 10 CENTAVOS .1991.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 10 Thebe (2013) coin with KM# 32 from Botswana. Inscription: BOTSWANA IPELEGENG PULA 2013 reverse of 10 Thebe (2013) coin with KM# 32 from Botswana. Inscription: 10 THEBE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 1 XF 0.13 USD
obverse of 25 Thebe (1991) coin with KM# 6a from Botswana. Inscription: BOTSWANA PULA 1991 reverse of 25 Thebe (1991) coin with KM# 6a from Botswana. Inscription: 25 THEBE IPELEGENG
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1991 1 VF 0.3 USD
obverse of 1 Pula (2013) coin with KM# 35 from Botswana. Inscription: BOTSWANA 2013 IPELEGENG reverse of 1 Pula (2013) coin with KM# 35 from Botswana. Inscription: 1 PULA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 1 VG 0.07 USD
obverse of 5 Pula (2000 - 2007) coin with KM# 30 from Botswana. Inscription: BOTSWANA IPELEGENG PULA 2000 reverse of 5 Pula (2000 - 2007) coin with KM# 30 from Botswana. Inscription: 5 PULA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 1 XF 3.23 USD
Federative Republic
obverse of 50 Centavos (1957 - 1961) coin with KM# 569 from Brazil. Inscription: REPUBLICA DOS ESTADOS UNIDOD DO BRASIL reverse of 50 Centavos (1957 - 1961) coin with KM# 569 from Brazil. Inscription: 50 CENTAVOS 1960
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1957 49,350,000 1 F 0.05 USD
obverse of 1 Cruzeiro (1957 - 1961) coin with KM# 570 from Brazil. Inscription: REPUBLICA DOS ESTADOS UNIDOD DO BRASIL reverse of 1 Cruzeiro (1957 - 1961) coin with KM# 570 from Brazil. Inscription: 1 CRUZEIRO 1959
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1958 15,443,000 1 G 0.03 USD
obverse of 10 Cruzados (1987 - 1988) coin with KM# 607 from Brazil. Inscription: REPUBLICA FEDERATIVA DO BRASIL 15 de Novembro de 1889 reverse of 10 Cruzados (1987 - 1988) coin with KM# 607 from Brazil. Inscription: BRASIL 10 1988 CRUZADOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 608,736,000 1 VF 0.2 USD
obverse of 5 Cruzeiros (1990 - 1992) coin with KM# 618 from Brazil. Inscription: 5 CRUZEIROS BRASIL reverse of 5 Cruzeiros (1990 - 1992) coin with KM# 618 from Brazil. Inscription: 1991
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 19,881,000 KM# 618.2 (3.40 g.) 1 F 0.07 USD
obverse of 5 Centavos (1998 - 2014) coin with KM# 648 from Brazil. Inscription: BRASIL TIRADENTES reverse of 5 Centavos (1998 - 2014) coin with KM# 648 from Brazil. Inscription: 5 CENTAVOS 2001
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 116,324,000 1 XF 0.23 USD
obverse of 10 Centavos (1994 - 1997) coin with KM# 633 from Brazil. Inscription: BRASIL reverse of 10 Centavos (1994 - 1997) coin with KM# 633 from Brazil. Inscription: 10 CENTAVOS 1994
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 255,000,000 1 F 0.07 USD
British colony
British East Africa
obverse of 10 Cents - George V (1920) coin with KM# 14 from British East Africa. Inscription: GEORGIVS V REX ET IND:IMP: TEN CENTS H reverse of 10 Cents - George V (1920) coin with KM# 14 from British East Africa. Inscription: EAST AFRICA 10 1920
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1920 H 700,000 1 G 30 USD
obverse of 1 Cent - George V (1922 - 1935) coin with KM# 22 from British East Africa. Inscription: GEORGIUS V REX ET IND :IMP: ONE CENT H reverse of 1 Cent - George V (1922 - 1935) coin with KM# 22 from British East Africa. Inscription: EAST AFRICA 1 1923
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1923 50,000,000 1 XF 3.45 USD
British Protectorate
obverse of 10 Sen - Hassanal Bolkiah - 1'st Portrait (1968 - 1977) coin with KM# 11 from Brunei. Inscription: SULTAN HASSANAL BOLKIAH I reverse of 10 Sen - Hassanal Bolkiah - 1'st Portrait (1968 - 1977) coin with KM# 11 from Brunei. Inscription: KERAJAAN BRUNEI 1974 10 SEN
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1976 920,000 1 VG 0.04 USD
obverse of 50 Stotinki (1992) coin with KM# 201 from Bulgaria. Inscription: РЕПУБЛИКА БЪЛГАРИЯ reverse of 50 Stotinki (1992) coin with KM# 201 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 19 50 92 СТОТИНКИ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 1 VF 0.13 USD
obverse of 100 Francs (1975 - 1986) coin with KM# 17 from Cameroon. Inscription: CAMEROUN - CAMEROON reverse of 100 Francs (1975 - 1986) coin with KM# 17 from Cameroon. Inscription: BANQUE DES ETATS DE L'AFRIQUE CENTRALE 100 FRANCS 1975
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1984 1 F 0.7 USD
obverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1953 - 1964) coin with KM# 49 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA reverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1953 - 1964) coin with KM# 49 from Canada. Inscription: 1 CENT CANADA 1964 K · G
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1963 279,076,334 1 XF 0.2 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - August (1999) coin with KM# 349 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA 25 CENTS reverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - August (1999) coin with KM# 349 from Canada. Inscription: AUGUST 1999 AOÛT AB CANADA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1999 18,153,700 1 VG 0.18 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Family (2000) coin with KM# 375 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA 25 CENTS reverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Family (2000) coin with KM# 375 from Canada. Inscription: FAMILY 2000 FAMILLE WB CANADA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 35,107,700 1 VF 0.17 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Achievement (2000) coin with KM# 381 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA 25 CENTS reverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Achievement (2000) coin with KM# 381 from Canada. Inscription: ACHIEVEMENT 2000 RÉALISATION DD CANADA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 35,312,750 1 F 0.17 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Wood Bison - Colourized (2011) coin with KM# 1168a from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D. G. REGINA reverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - Wood Bison - Colourized (2011) coin with KM# 1168a from Canada. Inscription: CANADA · 25 CENTS 2011
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 6,250,000 1 VG 0.3 USD
obverse of 50 Cents - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (2004) coin from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D G REGINA reverse of 50 Cents - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (2004) coin from Canada. Inscription: 50 CENTS KG CANADA 2004
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 20,000 1 UNC 6.56 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1977) coin with KM# 117 from Canada. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REGINA reverse of 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1977) coin with KM# 117 from Canada. Inscription: CANADA 1977 DOLLAR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1977 1 F 0.7 USD
Prince Edward Island
Canadian provinces
obverse of 1 Cent - Victoria (1861 - 1864) coin with KM# 6 from Canadian provinces. Inscription: VICTORIA D:G: BRITT:REG:F:D: reverse of 1 Cent - Victoria (1861 - 1864) coin with KM# 6 from Canadian provinces. Inscription: ONE CENT 1861 NEW BRUNSWICK
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1864 1,000,000 1 VF 9 USD
obverse of 1 Cent - Victoria (1871) coin with KM# 4 from Canadian provinces. Inscription: VICTORIA QUEEN 1871 reverse of 1 Cent - Victoria (1871) coin with KM# 4 from Canadian provinces. Inscription: PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND PARVA SUB INGENTI ONE CENT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1871 2,000,000 1 XF 20 USD
obverse of 10 Centésimos (1971) coin with KM# 194 from Chile. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE CHILE B.O'HIGGINS reverse of 10 Centésimos (1971) coin with KM# 194 from Chile. Inscription: 1971 10 So CENTESIMOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1971 So 99,700,000 1 VG 0.02 USD
People's Republic
obverse of 10 Cash - Guangxu (1906) coin with Y# 67 from China. Inscription: 北  光  洋   寶 元    緒 文十錢制當 reverse of 10 Cash - Guangxu (1906) coin with Y# 67 from China. Inscription: PEI YANG TEN CASH
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1906) 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 20 Cash - Guangxu (1903 - 1905) coin with Y# 230 from China. reverse of 20 Cash - Guangxu (1903 - 1905) coin with Y# 230 from China.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1903 - 1905) 1 G Unknown
obverse of 5 Fen - Puyi (1944 - 1945) coin with Y# A13a from China. Inscription: 國帝洲滿 5 年二十德康 reverse of 5 Fen - Puyi (1944 - 1945) coin with Y# A13a from China. Inscription: 分 五
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
11 (1944) 1 VF Unknown
obverse of 1 Jiao - Jidong Bank (1937) coin with Y# 519 from China. reverse of 1 Jiao - Jidong Bank (1937) coin with Y# 519 from China.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
26 (1937) 1 VG Unknown
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 1 VF 1.25 USD
obverse of 1 Yuan (1999 - 2017) coin with KM# 1212 from China. Inscription: ZHONGGUO RENMIN YINHANG reverse of 1 Yuan (1999 - 2017) coin with KM# 1212 from China. Inscription: 中 国 人 民 银 行 1 YI YUAN 元 2002
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 1 F 0.24 USD
obverse of 5 Centavos - With date (1942 - 1966) coin with KM# 206 from Colombia. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA 1964 reverse of 5 Centavos - With date (1942 - 1966) coin with KM# 206 from Colombia. Inscription: V CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1966 7,170,000 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 50 Centavos (1970 - 1982) coin with KM# 244 from Colombia. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA * 1976 * reverse of 50 Centavos (1970 - 1982) coin with KM# 244 from Colombia. Inscription: 50 CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1970 30,906,000 1 G 0.02 USD
Comoro Islands
obverse of 50 Francs (2013) coin with KM# 16b from Comoro Islands. reverse of 50 Francs (2013) coin with KM# 16b from Comoro Islands. Inscription: 50 FRANCS 2013 BANQUE CENTRALE DES COMORES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 1 VF 0.1 USD
Costa Rica
obverse of 10 Céntimos (1942 - 1947) coin with KM# 180 from Costa Rica. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1942 reverse of 10 Céntimos (1942 - 1947) coin with KM# 180 from Costa Rica. Inscription: AMERICA CENTRAL 10 CENTIMOS B.C. C.R.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1947 BNCR 1,500,000 1 VF 1 USD
obverse of 10 Céntimos (1979) coin with KM# 185.2b from Costa Rica. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 1979 reverse of 10 Céntimos (1979) coin with KM# 185.2b from Costa Rica. Inscription: AMERICA CENTRAL 10 CENTIMOS B.C.C.R.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1979 10,000,000 1 F 0.03 USD
obverse of 5 Colones (1995) coin with KM# 227 from Costa Rica. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA · 1995 · reverse of 5 Colones (1995) coin with KM# 227 from Costa Rica. Inscription: 5 COLONES B.C.C.R.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 15,400,000 1 VG 0.04 USD
obverse of 10 Colones (2002) coin with KM# 228.2 from Costa Rica. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA 2002 reverse of 10 Colones (2002) coin with KM# 228.2 from Costa Rica. Inscription: 10 COLONES B.C.C.R.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 15,000,000 1 VF 0.3 USD
obverse of 1 Lipa - Latin text (1994 - 2014) coin with KM# 12 from Croatia. Inscription: ZEA MAYS 2010. KK reverse of 1 Lipa - Latin text (1994 - 2014) coin with KM# 12 from Croatia. Inscription: REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA 1 LIPA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 . 2,000,000 1 F 0.1 USD
Socialist Republic
obverse of 1 Centavo (1958) coin with KM# 30 from Cuba. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE CUBA 2.5 G. 250M 1 C PATRIA Y LIBERTAD reverse of 1 Centavo (1958) coin with KM# 30 from Cuba. Inscription: 1958
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1958 50,000,000 1 F 0.08 USD
obverse of 25 Centavos - INTUR (1981 - 1989) coin with KM# 418 from Cuba. Inscription: INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE TURISMO · 1989 · CUBA · reverse of 25 Centavos - INTUR (1981 - 1989) coin with KM# 418 from Cuba. Inscription: 25 INTUR VEINTE Y CINCO CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1989 1 XF 1.5 USD
obverse of 25 Centavos - INTUR (1989) coin with KM# 418.2a from Cuba. Inscription: INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE TURISMO · 1989 · CUBA · reverse of 25 Centavos - INTUR (1989) coin with KM# 418.2a from Cuba. Inscription: 25 INTUR VEINTE Y CINCO CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1989 1 G 0.24 USD
obverse of 100 Mils - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1955 - 1957) coin with KM# 37 from Cyprus. Inscription: QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND reverse of 100 Mils - Elizabeth II - 1'st Portrait (1955 - 1957) coin with KM# 37 from Cyprus. Inscription: GOVERNMENT OF CYPRUS · ONE HUNDRED MILS 100 +1957+
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1957 500,000 490000 were melted down by the Central Bank of Cyprus in 1968. 1 XF 37.6 USD
obverse of 25 Mils (1963 - 1982) coin with KM# 40 from Cyprus. Inscription: ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ · KIBRIS CUMHURİYETİ · 1980 1960 reverse of 25 Mils (1963 - 1982) coin with KM# 40 from Cyprus. Inscription: 25
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1968 1,500,000 1 VF 0.1 USD
obverse of 50 Cents - Olympic Games Seoul (1988) coin with KM# 60 from Cyprus. Inscription: 1960 CYPRUS.ΚΥΠΡΟΣ.KIBRIS.1988. reverse of 50 Cents - Olympic Games Seoul (1988) coin with KM# 60 from Cyprus. Inscription: 50
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 14,000 1 UNC 5.9 USD
obverse of 1 Euro Cent (2008 - 2016) coin with KM# 78 from Cyprus. Inscription: ΚΥΠΡΟΣ · 2015 · KIBRIS reverse of 1 Euro Cent (2008 - 2016) coin with KM# 78 from Cyprus. Inscription: 1 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 10,000 In sets only 1 F 0.07 USD
Socialist Republic
obverse of 1 Koruna (1946 - 1947) coin with KM# 19 from Czechoslovakia. Inscription: REPUBLIKA ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ 1946 reverse of 1 Koruna (1946 - 1947) coin with KM# 19 from Czechoslovakia. Inscription: 1 O-ŠPANIEL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1947 12,550,000 1 XF 3.7 USD
obverse of 5 Haléřů (1962 - 1976) coin with KM# 53 from Czechoslovakia. Inscription: ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ SOCIALISTICKÁ REPUBLIKA 1974 reverse of 5 Haléřů (1962 - 1976) coin with KM# 53 from Czechoslovakia. Inscription: 5
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1967 20,770,000 1 F 0.05 USD
obverse of 2 Øre - Christian X (1942 - 1947) coin with KM# 833a from Denmark. Inscription: KONGE AF DANMARK 19 43 reverse of 2 Øre - Christian X (1942 - 1947) coin with KM# 833a from Denmark. Inscription: 2 ØRE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1942 N;S 12,934,000 1 G 0.03 USD
obverse of 25 Øre - Frederik IX (1960 - 1967) coin with KM# 850 from Denmark. Inscription: 19 6ą FR IX C♥S reverse of 25 Øre - Frederik IX (1960 - 1967) coin with KM# 850 from Denmark. Inscription: DANMARK 25 ØRE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1962 C♥S 12,563,000 1 VF 0.25 USD
obverse of 20 Kroner - Margrethe II - Silver Jubilee (1997) coin with KM# 883 from Denmark. Inscription: MARGRETHE II DANMARKS DRONNING reverse of 20 Kroner - Margrethe II - Silver Jubilee (1997) coin with KM# 883 from Denmark. Inscription: 1972 1997 20 KRONER
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 LG;JP 1,000,000 1 F 2.76 USD
Dominican Republic
obverse of 1 Peso - Montesinos, Enriquillo, Lemba (1983 - 1986) coin with KM# 63 from Dominican Republic. Inscription: REPUBLICA DOMINICANA 1 PESO 1983 reverse of 1 Peso - Montesinos, Enriquillo, Lemba (1983 - 1986) coin with KM# 63 from Dominican Republic. Inscription: * CUNA DE LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS * MONTESINOS * ENRIQUILLO * LEMBA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1984 Mo 120,000 1 XF 0.02 USD
obverse of 10 Pesos (2005 - 2010) coin with KM# 106 from Dominican Republic. Inscription: REPUBLICA DOMINICANA 10 PESOS 2005 reverse of 10 Pesos (2005 - 2010) coin with KM# 106 from Dominican Republic. Inscription: BANCO CENTRAL DE LA REPUBLICA DOMINICANA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 1 XF 2.75 USD
obverse of 1 Centavo (2003) coin with KM# 104a from Ecuador. Inscription: REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR **LUZ DE AMERICA** reverse of 1 Centavo (2003) coin with KM# 104a from Ecuador. Inscription: BANCO CENTRAL DEL ECUADOR AÑO 2003 1 UN CENTAVO
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 1 G 0.01 USD
Arab Republic
obverse of 10 Millièmes - Large Sphinx (1955 - 1958) coin with KM# 381 from Egypt. reverse of 10 Millièmes - Large Sphinx (1955 - 1958) coin with KM# 381 from Egypt. Inscription: جمهورية مصر ١٠ مليمات ١٣٧٧ ١٩٥٨
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1375 (1956) 1 XF 6.8 USD
obverse of 20 Piastres (1960 - 1966) coin with KM# 399 from Egypt. reverse of 20 Piastres (1960 - 1966) coin with KM# 399 from Egypt.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1386 (1966) 1 G 7.69 USD
obverse of 5 Millièmes - FAO (1973) coin with KM# 433 from Egypt. reverse of 5 Millièmes - FAO (1973) coin with KM# 433 from Egypt. Inscription: جمهورية مصر العربية ۵ مليمات ١٣٩٣ ١٩٧٣
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1393 (1973) 10,000,000 1 XF 0.45 USD
obverse of 10 Millièmes (1973 - 1976) coin with KM# 435 from Egypt. Inscription: جمهورية مصر العربية reverse of 10 Millièmes (1973 - 1976) coin with KM# 435 from Egypt. Inscription: جمهورية مصر العربية ١٠ مليمات ١٣٩٣ ١٩٧٣
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1393 (1973) 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 10 Piastres - 1st Anniversary of the October War (1974) coin with KM# 442 from Egypt. reverse of 10 Piastres - 1st Anniversary of the October War (1974) coin with KM# 442 from Egypt. Inscription: ١٠ ١٣٩٤-١٩٧٤
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1394 (1974) 2,000,000 1 G 0.07 USD
El Salvador
obverse of 1 Centavo (1981) coin with KM# 135.2a from El Salvador. Inscription: REPÚBLICA DE EL SAVADOR 1981 reverse of 1 Centavo (1981) coin with KM# 135.2a from El Salvador. Inscription: 1 SM CENTAVO
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1981 50,000,000 1 VG 0.02 USD
obverse of 10 Centavos (1921 - 1972) coin with KM# 130 from El Salvador. Inscription: REPÚBLICA DE EL SALVADOR 1972 reverse of 10 Centavos (1921 - 1972) coin with KM# 130 from El Salvador. Inscription: 10 CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1940 500,000 1 VG 1.03 USD
obverse of 100 Cents (1997) coin with KM# 48 from Eritrea. Inscription: LIBERTY · EQUALITY · JUSTICE 1991 reverse of 100 Cents (1997) coin with KM# 48 from Eritrea. Inscription: STATE OF ERITREA 1997 100 ONE HUNDRED CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 1 VG 0.13 USD
2'nd Republic
obverse of 50 Senti (1992 - 2007) coin with KM# 24 from Estonia. Inscription: 19 92 reverse of 50 Senti (1992 - 2007) coin with KM# 24 from Estonia. Inscription: EESTI VABARIIK 50 SENTI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 17,000,000 1 VG 0.06 USD
obverse of 1 Penny - George V (1934 - 1936) coin with KM# 2 from Fiji. Inscription: GEORGE.V.KING.EMPEROR reverse of 1 Penny - George V (1934 - 1936) coin with KM# 2 from Fiji. Inscription: FIJI 19 35 PENNY
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1936 240,000 1 VG 0.3 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1986 160,000 1 VG 0.22 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1976 5,007 1 F 0.73 USD
obverse of 1 Penni (1969 - 1979) coin with KM# 44a from Finland. Inscription: SUOMEN TASAVALTA 1974 reverse of 1 Penni (1969 - 1979) coin with KM# 44a from Finland. Inscription: 1 PENNI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1974 100,132,000 1 VF 0.1 USD
obverse of 50 Penniä (1990 - 2001) coin with KM# 66 from Finland. Inscription: SUOMI FINLAND 1991 reverse of 50 Penniä (1990 - 2001) coin with KM# 66 from Finland. Inscription: 50 PENNIÄ PENNI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2001 M 200,000 1 VF 0.1 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - 90th Anniversary of Independence (2007) coin with KM# 139 from Finland. Inscription: 2007 FI 1917 reverse of 2 Euro - 90th Anniversary of Independence (2007) coin with KM# 139 from Finland. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 FI 9,600 In sets only 1 F 2.1 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - 200 Years of Finland National Bank (2011) coin with KM# 163 from Finland. Inscription: 2011 1811 FI reverse of 2 Euro - 200 Years of Finland National Bank (2011) coin with KM# 163 from Finland. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 FI 1,500,000 1 F 2.06 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Parliament (2013) coin with KM# 194 from Finland. Inscription: SUOMI FINLAND 2013 1863 reverse of 2 Euro - Parliament (2013) coin with KM# 194 from Finland. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 1 VG 2.1 USD
obverse of 2 Centimes - Napoleon III (1853 - 1857) coin with KM# 776 from France. Inscription: NAPOLEON III EMPEREUR 1855 reverse of 2 Centimes - Napoleon III (1853 - 1857) coin with KM# 776 from France. Inscription: EMPIRE FRANÇAIS * DEUX CENTIMES *
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1855 a 939,340 1 G 0.05 USD
obverse of 25 Centimes (1904 - 1908) coin with KM# 856 from France. Inscription: RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE A.PATEY reverse of 25 Centimes (1904 - 1908) coin with KM# 856 from France. Inscription: 25 CENTIMES 1904
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1908 1 G Unknown
obverse of 25 Centimes (1913 - 1917) coin with KM# 867 from France. Inscription: R F EM LINDAUER reverse of 25 Centimes (1913 - 1917) coin with KM# 867 from France. Inscription: LIBERTE · EGALITE FRATERNITE 25 Cmes 1915
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1913 1 G Unknown
obverse of 10 Centimes - MES underlined; Year with points (1941) coin with KM# 897 from France. Inscription: R F EM LINDAUER reverse of 10 Centimes - MES underlined; Year with points (1941) coin with KM# 897 from France. Inscription: LIBERTÉ · ÉGALITÉ FRATERNITÉ 10 Cmes · 1941 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1941 1 VG 0.13 USD
obverse of 10 Centimes - MES not underlined; Year without points (1941) coin with KM# 895 from France. Inscription: R F EM LINDAUER reverse of 10 Centimes - MES not underlined; Year without points (1941) coin with KM# 895 from France. Inscription: LIBERTɷÉGALITÉ FRATERNITÉ 10 CMES 1941
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1941 235,875,200 1 G 0.25 USD
obverse of 50 Centimes - Heavier (1942 - 1943) coin with KM# 914.4 from France. Inscription: ÉTAT FRANÇAIS LB reverse of 50 Centimes - Heavier (1942 - 1943) coin with KM# 914.4 from France. Inscription: · TRAVAIL · FAMILLE · · PATRIE · 50 CENTIMES 1942
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1943 1 F 0.15 USD
obverse of 5 Francs - Eiffel Tower (1989) coin with KM# 968 from France. Inscription: TOUR EIFFEL 1889 1989 F. JOUBERT reverse of 5 Francs - Eiffel Tower (1989) coin with KM# 968 from France. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE 5 F J.JIMENEZ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1989 9,774,000 1 VF 1.5 USD
French colony
French Polynesia
obverse of 100 Francs (2006 - 2013) coin with KM# 14a from French Polynesia. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE I · E · O · M 2009 R. JOLY reverse of 100 Francs (2006 - 2013) coin with KM# 14a from French Polynesia. Inscription: POLYNESIE FRANÇAISE 100 f GUZMAN
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 400,000 1 VF 0.87 USD
German States
obverse of 1 Pfenning (1815 - 1824) coin with KM# 130 from German States. reverse of 1 Pfenning (1815 - 1824) coin with KM# 130 from German States.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1824 AS 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 1 Pfenning - Maximilian II (1858 - 1871) coin with KM# 856 from German States. reverse of 1 Pfenning - Maximilian II (1858 - 1871) coin with KM# 856 from German States. Inscription: SCHEIDEMÜNZE 1 PFENNING 1865
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1865 1,401,360 1 VF 5 USD
Federal Republic
obverse of 10 Pfennig - Neumünster (Private, Schleswig-Holstein, Bankverein) (1917 - 1920) coin with F# 368.2 from Germany. Inscription: KLEINGELDERSATZMARKE reverse of 10 Pfennig - Neumünster (Private, Schleswig-Holstein, Bankverein) (1917 - 1920) coin with F# 368.2 from Germany. Inscription: BANK VEREIN 10 ✭ NEUMÜNSTER ✭
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1917 - 1920) 150,000 1 F 2.43 USD
obverse of 50 Reichspfennig (1927 - 1938) coin with KM# 49 from Germany. Inscription: DEUTSCHES REICH 1937 reverse of 50 Reichspfennig (1927 - 1938) coin with KM# 49 from Germany. Inscription: 50 A REICHSPFENNIG
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1929 F 1,162,000 1 VF 30.7 USD
obverse of 10 Reichspfennig (1940 - 1945) coin with KM# 101 from Germany. Inscription: Deutsches Reich 1942 reverse of 10 Reichspfennig (1940 - 1945) coin with KM# 101 from Germany. Inscription: 10 Reichspfennig G
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1940 D 45,434,000 1 VG 0.1 USD
obverse of 5 Pfennig (1948 - 1950) coin with KM# 2 from Germany. Inscription: 1948 reverse of 5 Pfennig (1948 - 1950) coin with KM# 2 from Germany. Inscription: DEUTSCHLAND 5 PFENNIG A
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1948 A 205,072,000 1 F 1.25 USD
obverse of 5 Pfennig (1968 - 1990) coin with KM# 9 from Germany. Inscription: DEUTSCHE DEMOKRATISCHE REPUBLIK reverse of 5 Pfennig (1968 - 1990) coin with KM# 9 from Germany. Inscription: A 5 PFENNIG 1983
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1978 A 43,257,000 1 XF 0.25 USD
obverse of 5 Mark - 20 Years of GDR (1969) coin with KM# 22 from Germany. Inscription: DEUTSCHE DEMOKRATISCHE REPUBLIK reverse of 5 Mark - 20 Years of GDR (1969) coin with KM# 22 from Germany. Inscription: XX JAHRE DDR 1969 5 MARK
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1969 1 F 0.75 USD
obverse of 10 Euro - Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (2012) coin with KM# 311 from Germany. Inscription: BUNDES REPUBLIK 10 EURO D 2012 DEUTSCH LAND reverse of 10 Euro - Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (2012) coin with KM# 311 from Germany. Inscription: DEUTSCHE NATIONAL BIBLIOTHEK 100 JAHRE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 D 1,436,500 1 UNC 10.31 USD
British colony
obverse of 5 Pence - Elizabeth II - Larger; 3'rd Portrait (1988 - 1990) coin with KM# 22 from Gibraltar. Inscription: ELIZABETH II GIBRALTAR · 1988 reverse of 5 Pence - Elizabeth II - Larger; 3'rd Portrait (1988 - 1990) coin with KM# 22 from Gibraltar. Inscription: FIVE PENCE 5
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1989 AC 1 VF 0.06 USD
obverse of 1 Pound - Elizabeth II - Occupation - 3'rd Portrait (2004) coin with KM# 1051 from Gibraltar. Inscription: ELIZABETH II GIBRALTAR 2004 reverse of 1 Pound - Elizabeth II - Occupation - 3'rd Portrait (2004) coin with KM# 1051 from Gibraltar. Inscription: 1704 - 2004 THE GREAT SIEGE 1779-1783 ONE POUND
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 1 VF 1.21 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1991 1 UNC 6.07 USD
obverse of 20 Lepta - Paul I (1954 - 1971) coin with KM# 79 from Greece. Inscription: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ · 1959 · reverse of 20 Lepta - Paul I (1954 - 1971) coin with KM# 79 from Greece. Inscription: 20 ΛΕΠΤΑ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1966 15,000,000 1 F 0.07 USD
obverse of 5 Drachmai - Constantin II (1966 - 1970) coin with KM# 91 from Greece. Inscription: ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ · 1966 · reverse of 5 Drachmai - Constantin II (1966 - 1970) coin with KM# 91 from Greece. Inscription: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ · 5 ΔΡΑΧΜΑΙ ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1966 12,000,000 1 VG 0.07 USD
obverse of 10 Drachmai - Paul I (1959 - 1965) coin with KM# 84 from Greece. Inscription: ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ 1959 reverse of 10 Drachmai - Paul I (1959 - 1965) coin with KM# 84 from Greece. Inscription: 10 ΔΡΑΧΜΑΙ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1959 20,000,000 1 F 0.13 USD
obverse of 20 Drachmai - Constantin II - National Revolution (1973) coin with KM# 111 from Greece. Inscription: 1973 reverse of 20 Drachmai - Constantin II - National Revolution (1973) coin with KM# 111 from Greece. Inscription: 21 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 1967 · 20 ΔΡΑΧΜΑΙ · ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1973 3,092,087 1 VG 0.06 USD
obverse of 10 Lepta (1976 - 1978) coin with KM# 113 from Greece. Inscription: ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ · 1976 · reverse of 10 Lepta (1976 - 1978) coin with KM# 113 from Greece. Inscription: 10 ΛΕΠΤΑ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1976 2,043,000 1 F 0.12 USD
obverse of 20 Drachmas - New lettering (1982 - 1988) coin with KM# 133 from Greece. Inscription: ΠΕΡΙΚΛΗΣ reverse of 20 Drachmas - New lettering (1982 - 1988) coin with KM# 133 from Greece. Inscription: 20 ΔΡΑΧΜΕΣ 1986 ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 16,196,000 1 F 0.07 USD
obverse of 500 Drachmas - Olympic gold medal (2000) coin with KM# 180 from Greece. Inscription: ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΑΘΕΝΑ 2004 500 ΔΡΑΧΜΕΣ reverse of 500 Drachmas - Olympic gold medal (2000) coin with KM# 180 from Greece. Inscription: ΑΘΗΝΑ 1896 2000 ΤΟ ΜΕΤΑΛΛΙΟ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 1 G 0.05 USD
Danish colony
obverse of 1 Krone - Frederik IX (1960 - 1964) coin with KM# 10a from Greenland. Inscription: DEN KONGELIGE GRØNLANDSKE HANDEL 1964 reverse of 1 Krone - Frederik IX (1960 - 1964) coin with KM# 10a from Greenland. Inscription: 1 KRONE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1964 C♥S 110,000 1 F Unknown
United Kingdom
obverse of 2 Pence - Elizabeth II (1977 - 1981) coin with KM# 28 from Guernsey. Inscription: S'BALLIVIE INSVLE DE GERNERE VE reverse of 2 Pence - Elizabeth II (1977 - 1981) coin with KM# 28 from Guernsey. Inscription: TWO 2 PENCE 1977
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1979 2,400,000 1 VG 0.02 USD
obverse of 50 Centimes (1907 - 1908) coin with KM# 56 from Haiti. Inscription: RÉPUBLIQUE D'HAITI 1908 reverse of 50 Centimes (1907 - 1908) coin with KM# 56 from Haiti. Inscription: LIBERTÉ EGALITÉ FRATERNITÉ 50
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1907 2,000,000 1 G 0.25 USD
obverse of 50 Centimes (1975 - 1985) coin with KM# 101a from Haiti. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE D'HAITI 1983 reverse of 50 Centimes (1975 - 1985) coin with KM# 101a from Haiti. Inscription: LIBERTE.EGALITE.FRATERNITE AUGMENTONS LA PRODUCTION ALIMENTAIRE L'UNION FAIT LA FORCE . 50 .
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1979 2,000,000 1 XF 0.2 USD
obverse of 20 Centavos (1991 - 2010) coin with KM# 83a from Honduras. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE HONDURAS 1999 reverse of 20 Centavos (1991 - 2010) coin with KM# 83a from Honduras. Inscription: 20 CENTAVOS DE LEMPIRA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 1 F 0.05 USD
British colony
Hong Kong
obverse of 2 Dollars - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1975 - 1984) coin with KM# 37 from Hong Kong. Inscription: QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND reverse of 2 Dollars - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1975 - 1984) coin with KM# 37 from Hong Kong. Inscription: HONG 香 KONG 圓 貳 1980 TWO 港 DOLLARS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1979 9,032,000 1 F 0.2 USD
obverse of 50 Fillér (1967 - 1989) coin with KM# 574 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR · NÉPKÖZTÁRSASÁG · reverse of 50 Fillér (1967 - 1989) coin with KM# 574 from Hungary. Inscription: 50 FILLÉR 1978 BP.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1982 BP 10,000,000 1 VF 0.3 USD
obverse of 1 Forint (1992 - 2008) coin with KM# 692 from Hungary. Inscription: MAGYAR KÖZTÁRSASÁG 1995 reverse of 1 Forint (1992 - 2008) coin with KM# 692 from Hungary. Inscription: BP. 1 FORINT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 BP 1 G Unknown
obverse of 1/2 Anna - George VI (1942 - 1945) coin with KM# 534b from India. Inscription: GEORGE VI KING EMPEROR reverse of 1/2 Anna - George VI (1942 - 1945) coin with KM# 534b from India. Inscription: दॊ पैस দহ পহ়াযা INDIA 1 AN NA 2 1944 రెండు బైఎఅ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1944 514,800,000 1 F 0.45 USD
obverse of 10 Naye Paise (1957 - 1963) coin with KM# 24 from India. Inscription: भारत INDIA reverse of 10 Naye Paise (1957 - 1963) coin with KM# 24 from India. Inscription: रुपये का दसवाँ भाग 10 नये पैसे 1957
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1961 1 G 0.13 USD
obverse of 20 Paisa - Mahatma Gandhi (1969) coin with KM# 42 from India. Inscription: भारत INDIA पैसे 20 PAISE reverse of 20 Paisa - Mahatma Gandhi (1969) coin with KM# 42 from India. Inscription: महात्मा गांधी * MAHATMA GANDHI · 1869-1948
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1969 * 3,000,000 1 F 0.5 USD
obverse of 50 Paise (1974 - 1983) coin with KM# 63 from India. Inscription: भारत INDIA reverse of 50 Paise (1974 - 1983) coin with KM# 63 from India. Inscription: पैसे PAISE 50 1977
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 ♦ 1 G 0.24 USD
obverse of 5 Rupees - Rabindranath Tagore (2011) coin with KM# 393 from India. Inscription: भारत INDIA सत्यमेव जयते रूपये 5 RUPEES reverse of 5 Rupees - Rabindranath Tagore (2011) coin with KM# 393 from India. Inscription: रबीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर RABINDRANATH TAGORE 1861 - 2011 150 वीं जयंती 150 BIRTH ANNIVERSARY
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 ° 1 VG 0.07 USD
Indian States
obverse of 1 Paisa - Lakshman Singh (1870) coin with KM# 11 from Indian States. reverse of 1 Paisa - Lakshman Singh (1870) coin with KM# 11 from Indian States.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1870) 1 F Unknown
obverse of 1 Rupiah (1970) coin with KM# 20 from Indonesia. Inscription: Rp1 reverse of 1 Rupiah (1970) coin with KM# 20 from Indonesia. Inscription: BANK INDONESIA 1 RUPIAH 1970
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1970 136,010,000 1 G 0.01 USD
obverse of 50 Rupiah (1999 - 2003) coin with KM# 60 from Indonesia. Inscription: BHINNEKA TUNGGAL IKA 2001 BANK INDONSIA reverse of 50 Rupiah (1999 - 2003) coin with KM# 60 from Indonesia. Inscription: KEPODANG 50 RUPIAH
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1999 1 VF 0.1 USD
obverse of 500 Rupiah (1997 - 2003) coin with KM# 59 from Indonesia. Inscription: 1997 BANK INDONESIA reverse of 500 Rupiah (1997 - 2003) coin with KM# 59 from Indonesia. Inscription: 500 RUPIAH - BUNGA MELATI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 1 VF 0.47 USD
obverse of 25 Fils (1969 - 1981) coin with KM# 127 from Iraq. Inscription: ١٩٧٥ ١٣٩٥ reverse of 25 Fils (1969 - 1981) coin with KM# 127 from Iraq. Inscription: ٢٥
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1969 6,000,000 1 F 0.2 USD
obverse of 100 Fils (1970 - 1979) coin with KM# 129 from Iraq. reverse of 100 Fils (1970 - 1979) coin with KM# 129 from Iraq.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1970 6,000,000 1 G 0.09 USD
obverse of 1 Pingin (1940 - 1968) coin with KM# 11 from Ireland. Inscription: éIRe 1940 reverse of 1 Pingin (1940 - 1968) coin with KM# 11 from Ireland. Inscription: 1d Pingin PM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1965 11,160,000 1 VG 0.1 USD
obverse of 1 Pingin (1971 - 1988) coin with KM# 20 from Ireland. Inscription: éIRe 1971 reverse of 1 Pingin (1971 - 1988) coin with KM# 20 from Ireland. Inscription: 1P
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 86,712,000 1 VG 0.02 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - 2'nd Map (2007 - 2016) coin with KM# 51 from Ireland. Inscription: éIRe 2012 reverse of 2 Euro - 2'nd Map (2007 - 2016) coin with KM# 51 from Ireland. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 15,000 In sets only 1 VG 2.06 USD
United Kingdom
Isle of Man
obverse of 1/2 Penny - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1980 - 1983) coin with KM# 58 from Isle of Man. Inscription: ISLE OF MAN ELIZABETH II 1980 reverse of 1/2 Penny - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1980 - 1983) coin with KM# 58 from Isle of Man. Inscription: 1 - 2
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 AB 1 VF 0.08 USD
obverse of 1 Penny - Elizabeth II - College of Arms - 2'nd Portrait (1984) coin with KM# 112 from Isle of Man. Inscription: ISLE OF MAN ELIZABETH II 1984 reverse of 1 Penny - Elizabeth II - College of Arms - 2'nd Portrait (1984) coin with KM# 112 from Isle of Man. Inscription: 1
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1984 AA 1 VF 0.13 USD
obverse of 2 Pence - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2000 - 2003) coin with KM# 1037 from Isle of Man. Inscription: ISLE OF MAN ELIZABETH II 2000 reverse of 2 Pence - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2000 - 2003) coin with KM# 1037 from Isle of Man. Inscription: CLASHT ROOIN, O HIARN 2
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 AA 1 F 0.05 USD
obverse of 10 Pence - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1976 - 1979) coin with KM# 36 from Isle of Man. Inscription: ELIZABETH THE SECOND · 1976 · reverse of 10 Pence - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1976 - 1979) coin with KM# 36 from Isle of Man. Inscription: · ISLE OF MAN · TEN PENCE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1979 AB 1 VF 0.12 USD
obverse of 50 Pence - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2004 - 2015) coin with KM# 1258 from Isle of Man. Inscription: ISLE OF MAN ELIZABETH II 2009 reverse of 50 Pence - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2004 - 2015) coin with KM# 1258 from Isle of Man. Inscription: MILNER'S TOWER 50
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 AA 1 XF 1.13 USD
obverse of 1 Pound - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2004 - 2015) coin with KM# 1259 from Isle of Man. Inscription: ISLE OF MAN ELIZABETH II 2009 reverse of 1 Pound - Elizabeth II - 4'th Portrait (2004 - 2015) coin with KM# 1259 from Isle of Man. Inscription: TYNWALD HILL · ST. JOHN'S CHAPEL 1 · POUND · AA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 1 XF 1.98 USD
obverse of 10 Sheqalim (1982 - 1985) coin with KM# 119 from Israel. Inscription: ISRAEL ישראל إسرائيل reverse of 10 Sheqalim (1982 - 1985) coin with KM# 119 from Israel. Inscription: 10 שקליס SHEQALIM התשמ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
5743 (1983) 17,851,000 1 G 0.05 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
5746 (1986) * 12,665 1 UNC 0.28 USD
Italian colony
Italian Somaliland
obverse of 1 Besa - Vittorio Emanuele III (1909 - 1921) coin with KM# 1 from Italian Somaliland. Inscription: VITTORIO · EMANVELE · III · RE · D' ITALIA reverse of 1 Besa - Vittorio Emanuele III (1909 - 1921) coin with KM# 1 from Italian Somaliland. Inscription: بلاد الصومال الايطاليانية ١ بيزا 1 BESA 1909 SOMALIA ITALIANA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1910 R 500,000 1 G 3.55 USD
obverse of 5 Centesimi - Umberto I (1895 - 1900) coin with KM# 31 from Italy. Inscription: UMBERTO I RE D'ITALIA SPERANZA reverse of 5 Centesimi - Umberto I (1895 - 1900) coin with KM# 31 from Italy. Inscription: 5 CENTESIMI 1895 R
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1900 R 2,000 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 5 Centesimi - Vittorio Emanuele III (1919 - 1937) coin with KM# 59 from Italy. Inscription: VITTORIO EMANVELE III RE D'ITALIA A.MOTTI reverse of 5 Centesimi - Vittorio Emanuele III (1919 - 1937) coin with KM# 59 from Italy. Inscription: C. 5 1937 R
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1931 R 20,000,000 1 VF 0.6 USD
obverse of 20 Lire (1957 - 2001) coin with KM# 97 from Italy. Inscription: REPVBBLICA ITALIANA GIAMPAOLI reverse of 20 Lire (1957 - 2001) coin with KM# 97 from Italy. Inscription: L.20 R 1958
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1973 R 19,575,000 1 F 0.1 USD
obverse of 500 Lire - 500th Anniversary to Publication of Mathematical Work by Luca Pacioli (1994) coin with KM# 167 from Italy. Inscription: REPUBLICA ITALIANA reverse of 500 Lire - 500th Anniversary to Publication of Mathematical Work by Luca Pacioli (1994) coin with KM# 167 from Italy. Inscription: LUCA PACIOLI 1494 1994 L.500
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1994) R 50,000,000 1 XF 1.43 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Count of Cavour (2010) coin with KM# 328 from Italy. Inscription: CAVOUR RI R 1810 2010 CM reverse of 2 Euro - Count of Cavour (2010) coin with KM# 328 from Italy. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 R 37,000 In sets only 1 F 2.06 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Giuseppe Verdi (2013) coin with KM# 357 from Italy. Inscription: RI R 1813 2013 MCC G. VERDI reverse of 2 Euro - Giuseppe Verdi (2013) coin with KM# 357 from Italy. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 R In sets only 1 F 2.06 USD
obverse of 1 Yen - Shōwa (1955 - 1989) coin with Y# 74 from Japan. Inscription: 日 本 国 一 円 reverse of 1 Yen - Shōwa (1955 - 1989) coin with Y# 74 from Japan. Inscription: 1 昭和三十三年
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
55 (1980) 1,145,000,000 1 XF 0.45 USD
United Kingdom
obverse of 1 Penny - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1983 - 1992) coin with KM# 54 from Jersey. Inscription: QUEEN ELIZABETH THE SECOND 1990 reverse of 1 Penny - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1983 - 1992) coin with KM# 54 from Jersey. Inscription: BAILIWICK OF JERSEY ONE PENNY
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1984 1,000,000 1 G 0.01 USD
Hashemite Kingdom
obverse of 10 Fils - Abdullah I bin al-Hussein (1949) coin with KM# 4 from Jordan. Inscription: ١٣٦٨ ١٠ ١٩٤٩ reverse of 10 Fils - Abdullah I bin al-Hussein (1949) coin with KM# 4 from Jordan. Inscription: THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF THE JORDAN TEN FILS 10 1949
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1368 (1949) 1 VG | 1 XF 0.18 USD
obverse of 50 Fils - Hussein (1978 - 1991) coin with KM# 39 from Jordan. Inscription: الحسين بن طلال ملك المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية reverse of 50 Fils - Hussein (1978 - 1991) coin with KM# 39 from Jordan. Inscription: ١٤١١-١٩٩١ نصف درهم ٥٠ فلسا FIFTY FILS THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1406 (1985) 1 VG 0.25 USD
obverse of 100 Fils - Hussein (1955 - 1966) coin with KM# 12 from Jordan. reverse of 100 Fils - Hussein (1955 - 1966) coin with KM# 12 from Jordan. Inscription: THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN ONE HUNDRED FILS 100 1965
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1382 (1962) 1 G 0.14 USD
obverse of 50 Tenge - Atyrau (2012) coin from Kazakhstan. Inscription: ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ reverse of 50 Tenge - Atyrau (2012) coin from Kazakhstan. Inscription: 50 ТЕҢГЕ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 50,000 1 VG 0.18 USD
obverse of 100 Tenge (2002 - 2007) coin with KM# 39 from Kazakhstan. Inscription: ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ · 2002 · reverse of 100 Tenge (2002 - 2007) coin with KM# 39 from Kazakhstan. Inscription: 100 ТЕҢГЕ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 1 G 0.2 USD
obverse of 1 Shilling - Without legend (1966 - 1968) coin with KM# 5 from Kenya. reverse of 1 Shilling - Without legend (1966 - 1968) coin with KM# 5 from Kenya. Inscription: REPUBLIC OF KENYA 1 ONE SHILLING 1966 HARAMBEE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1967 4,000,000 1 G 0.07 USD
obverse of 10 Mun - Yi Hyong (1888) coin with KM# 1102 from Korea. reverse of 10 Mun - Yi Hyong (1888) coin with KM# 1102 from Korea.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
497 (1888) 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 2 Chon - FAO (2002) coin with KM# 197 from Korea. Inscription: 2002 reverse of 2 Chon - FAO (2002) coin with KM# 197 from Korea. Inscription: XXI CENTURY FAO FOOD SECURITY 2 전
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 1 XF 1 USD
obverse of 10 Chon - With 1 star (1959) coin with KM# 11 from Korea. Inscription: 1959 reverse of 10 Chon - With 1 star (1959) coin with KM# 11 from Korea. Inscription: 10
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1959 1 XF 0.95 USD
obverse of 100 Won (1970 - 1982) coin with KM# 9 from Korea. Inscription: 백 원 한국은행 reverse of 100 Won (1970 - 1982) coin with KM# 9 from Korea. Inscription: 100 1975
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1978 50,000,000 1 VG 0.07 USD
2'nd Republic
obverse of 1 Lats - Ligo Wreath (2006) coin with KM# 73 from Latvia. Inscription: LATVIJAS 20 06 REPUBLIKA reverse of 1 Lats - Ligo Wreath (2006) coin with KM# 73 from Latvia. Inscription: 1 LATS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 500,000 1 F 0.75 USD
obverse of 1 Lats - Gingerbread heart (2011) coin with KM# 127 from Latvia. Inscription: LATVIJAS 20 11 REPUBLIKA reverse of 1 Lats - Gingerbread heart (2011) coin with KM# 127 from Latvia. Inscription: 1 LATS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 1,000,000 1 G 0.13 USD
obverse of 1 Sente - Moshoeshoe II (1979 - 1989) coin with KM# 16 from Lesotho. Inscription: KINGDOM OF LESOTHO H.M.MOSHOESHOE II 1985 reverse of 1 Sente - Moshoeshoe II (1979 - 1989) coin with KM# 16 from Lesotho. Inscription: 1 SENTE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 5 Maloti - Moshoeshoe II (1996 - 2010) coin with KM# 59 from Lesotho. Inscription: KINGDOM OF LESOTHO KHOTSO PULA NALA 1998 reverse of 5 Maloti - Moshoeshoe II (1996 - 2010) coin with KM# 59 from Lesotho. Inscription: 5 MALOTI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 1 F 0.27 USD
2'nd republic
obverse of 1 Litas - 425th Anniversary of Vilnius University (2004) coin with KM# 137 from Lithuania. Inscription: LIETUVA 1 LITAS reverse of 1 Litas - 425th Anniversary of Vilnius University (2004) coin with KM# 137 from Lithuania. Inscription: VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS 2004 425
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 200,000 1 VF 2.75 USD
obverse of 2 Litai - Lithuanian resorts - Druskininkai (2012) coin with KM# 184.1 from Lithuania. Inscription: LIETUVA 2 LITAI reverse of 2 Litai - Lithuanian resorts - Druskininkai (2012) coin with KM# 184.1 from Lithuania. Inscription: DRUSKININKAI 2012
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 100,000 1 VF 0.6 USD
obverse of 2 Litai - Creations of nature and man - Puntukas stone (2013) coin with KM# 189 from Lithuania. Inscription: LIETUVA 2 LITAI reverse of 2 Litai - Creations of nature and man - Puntukas stone (2013) coin with KM# 189 from Lithuania. Inscription: PUNTUKAS 2013
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 100,000 1 XF 1.08 USD
Grand Duchy
obverse of 1 Franc - Charlotte - Larger (1946 - 1947) coin with KM# 46.1 from Luxembourg. Inscription: LETZEBURG A.B. 1946 reverse of 1 Franc - Charlotte - Larger (1946 - 1947) coin with KM# 46.1 from Luxembourg. Inscription: 1F A. B.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1947 2,000,000 1 XF 1 USD
obverse of 20 Euro Cent - Henri I - 2'nd Map (2007 - 2015) coin with KM# 90 from Luxembourg. Inscription: LËTZEBUERG 2008 GC F reverse of 20 Euro Cent - Henri I - 2'nd Map (2007 - 2015) coin with KM# 90 from Luxembourg. Inscription: 20 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 H 2,000 Proof 1 XF 7.35 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Henri I - Guillaume (2006) coin with KM# 88 from Luxembourg. Inscription: LËTZEBUERG S 2006 reverse of 2 Euro - Henri I - Guillaume (2006) coin with KM# 88 from Luxembourg. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 F 4,500 1 F 2.07 USD
Portuguese colony
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 1 G 0.12 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 1 XF 3.1 USD
obverse of 50 Ariary (1994 - 2005) coin with KM# 25 from Madagascar. Inscription: ARIARY DIMAMPOLO TANINDRAZANA FAHAFAHANA FAHAMARINANA reverse of 50 Ariary (1994 - 2005) coin with KM# 25 from Madagascar. Inscription: REPOBLIKAN'I MADAGASIKARA ariary 50 1996
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 1 F 0.99 USD
Federal monarchy
obverse of 1 Ringgit - Yang di-Pertuan Agong (1989 - 1993) coin with KM# 54 from Malaysia. reverse of 1 Ringgit - Yang di-Pertuan Agong (1989 - 1993) coin with KM# 54 from Malaysia. Inscription: BANK NEGARA MALAYSIA 19 $1 92
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1991 169,001,000 1 VG 0.22 USD
obverse of 2 Laari (1970 - 1979) coin with KM# 50 from Maldives. Inscription: 1970 reverse of 2 Laari (1970 - 1979) coin with KM# 50 from Maldives. Inscription: 2
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1389 (1970) 500,000 1 G 0.02 USD
Islamic Republic
obverse of 50 Ouguiya (2010 - 2014) coin with KM# 9 from Mauritania. Inscription: 20 10 50 OUGUIYA BANQUE CENTRALE DE MAURITANIE reverse of 50 Ouguiya (2010 - 2014) coin with KM# 9 from Mauritania. Inscription: ٥٠ أوقية البنك المركزي الموريتاني ١٤٣١
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1431 (2010) 1 VF 1.25 USD
obverse of 5 Cents (1987 - 2012) coin with KM# 52 from Mauritius. Inscription: DR THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR SEEWOOSAGUR RAMGOOLAM KT reverse of 5 Cents (1987 - 2012) coin with KM# 52 from Mauritius. Inscription: MAURITIUS 5 FIVE-CENTS-1987
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 1 VG 0.02 USD
3'rd Federal Republic
obverse of 1/16 Real (1861) coin with KM# 317 from Mexico. Inscription: ESTADO LIBRE DE JALISCO reverse of 1/16 Real (1861) coin with KM# 317 from Mexico.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1861 1 VG 9 USD
obverse of 1 Centavo (1950 - 1969) coin with KM# 417 from Mexico. Inscription: ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS reverse of 1 Centavo (1950 - 1969) coin with KM# 417 from Mexico. Inscription: 1 C. 1961 Mo
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1962 Mo 4,850,000 1 VG 0.03 USD
obverse of 5 Centavos - Smaller (1970 - 1976) coin with KM# 427 from Mexico. Inscription: ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS reverse of 5 Centavos - Smaller (1970 - 1976) coin with KM# 427 from Mexico. Inscription: CINCO CENTAVOS 1971
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1976 Mo 367,524,000 1 F 0.05 USD
obverse of 1/4 Real (1872) coin with KM# 350 from Mexico. Inscription: ESTADO DE DURANGO reverse of 1/4 Real (1872) coin with KM# 350 from Mexico. Inscription: SUFRAGIO LIBRE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1872 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 20 Pesos - 20th anniversary of awarding Octavio Paz the Nobel Prize for Literature (2010) coin with KM# 943 from Mexico. Inscription: ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS reverse of 20 Pesos - 20th anniversary of awarding Octavio Paz the Nobel Prize for Literature (2010) coin with KM# 943 from Mexico. Inscription: $20 OCTAVIO PAZ 2010 Todo es presencia, todos los siglos son este Presente VEINTE PESOS PREMIO NOBEL DE LITERA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 Mo 1 VF 0.97 USD
obverse of 100 Pesos - Carlos y Juana coin (2013) coin with KM# 972 from Mexico. Inscription: ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS reverse of 100 Pesos - Carlos y Juana coin (2013) coin with KM# 972 from Mexico. Inscription: HERENCIA NUMISMATICA DE MEXICO M 2013 $100
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 1 UNC 4.85 USD
obverse of 1 Franc - Louis II (1945) coin with KM# 120a from Monaco. Inscription: LOUIS II PRINCE DE MONACO L. MAUBERT reverse of 1 Franc - Louis II (1945) coin with KM# 120a from Monaco. Inscription: 1 FRANC 1 DEO JUVANTE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1945) 1,589,135 1 G 0.12 USD
obverse of 50 Francs - Rainier III (1950) coin with KM# 132 from Monaco. Inscription: RAINIER III PRINCE DE MONACO P.TURIN 1950 reverse of 50 Francs - Rainier III (1950) coin with KM# 132 from Monaco. Inscription: DEO JUVANTE 50 FRANCS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1950 500,000 1 XF 4.65 USD
obverse of 1 Euro Cent - Albert II - 2'nd Type (2006 - 2014) coin with KM# 188 from Monaco. Inscription: MONACO 2006 reverse of 1 Euro Cent - Albert II - 2'nd Type (2006 - 2014) coin with KM# 188 from Monaco. Inscription: 1 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 1 VG 1.88 USD
obverse of 10 Euro Cent - Rainier III - 1'st Type; 1'st Map (2001 - 2004) coin with KM# 170 from Monaco. Inscription: MONACO 2001 reverse of 10 Euro Cent - Rainier III - 1'st Type; 1'st Map (2001 - 2004) coin with KM# 170 from Monaco. Inscription: 10 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2001 323,605 1 VG 0.92 USD
obverse of 50 Tugrik (1994) coin with KM# 123 from Mongolia. reverse of 50 Tugrik (1994) coin with KM# 123 from Mongolia. Inscription: МОНГОЛ БАНК 50 ТӨГРӨГ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 1 G 0.06 USD
French Protectorate
obverse of 10 Francs - Mohammed V (1952) coin with Y# 49 from Morocco. Inscription: 1371 reverse of 10 Francs - Mohammed V (1952) coin with Y# 49 from Morocco. Inscription: MAROC 10 FRANCS J.HAINAUT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1371 (1952) 40,000,000 1 VF 0.45 USD
Socialist Republic
obverse of 5 Pyas - Aung San (1966) coin with KM# 39 from Myanmar. reverse of 5 Pyas - Aung San (1966) coin with KM# 39 from Myanmar.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1966 1 XF 0.35 USD
obverse of 100 Kyats (1999) coin with KM# 64 from Myanmar. reverse of 100 Kyats (1999) coin with KM# 64 from Myanmar. Inscription: CENTRAL BANK OF MYANMAR 1999 100 KYATS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1999 1 G | 1 VG 0.11 USD
obverse of 10 Paisa - Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev (1966 - 1971) coin with KM# 765 from Nepal. Inscription: नेपाल २०२८ श्री ५ महेन्द्र वीर विक्रम शाहदेव reverse of 10 Paisa - Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev (1966 - 1971) coin with KM# 765 from Nepal. Inscription: श्री भवानी १० दस पैसा
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2026 (1969) 1 F 0.05 USD
obverse of 25 Paisa - Gyanendra Bīr Bikram Shāh Dev (2001 - 2003) coin with KM# 1148 from Nepal. reverse of 25 Paisa - Gyanendra Bīr Bikram Shāh Dev (2001 - 2003) coin with KM# 1148 from Nepal.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2060 (2003) 1 XF 0.25 USD
obverse of 50 Paisa - Bīrendra Bīr Bikram Shāh (1994 - 2000) coin with KM# 1072 from Nepal. reverse of 50 Paisa - Bīrendra Bīr Bikram Shāh (1994 - 2000) coin with KM# 1072 from Nepal.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2052 (1995) 1 XF 0.2 USD
obverse of 2 Rupees - Gyanendra Bīr Bikram Shāh Dev - Magnetic (2003) coin with KM# 1151.1 from Nepal. reverse of 2 Rupees - Gyanendra Bīr Bikram Shāh Dev - Magnetic (2003) coin with KM# 1151.1 from Nepal.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2060 (2003) 1 F 0.18 USD
obverse of 2 Rupees - Gyanendra Bīr Bikram Shāh Dev (2006 - 2009) coin with KM# 1188 from Nepal. Inscription: सगरमाथा २०६६ reverse of 2 Rupees - Gyanendra Bīr Bikram Shāh Dev (2006 - 2009) coin with KM# 1188 from Nepal. Inscription: नेपाल NEPAL २ रुपैयाँ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2066 (2009) 1 VG 0.18 USD
obverse of 5 Cents - Wilhelmina (1948) coin with KM# 176 from Netherlands. Inscription: WILHELMINA KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN reverse of 5 Cents - Wilhelmina (1948) coin with KM# 176 from Netherlands. Inscription: 5 CENT 1948
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1948 23,600,000 1 XF 0.7 USD
obverse of 5 Cents - Beatrix (1982 - 2001) coin with KM# 202 from Netherlands. Inscription: BEATRIX KONINGIN DER NEDERLANDEN reverse of 5 Cents - Beatrix (1982 - 2001) coin with KM# 202 from Netherlands. Inscription: 5ct 1996
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 1 G 0.05 USD
Dutch colony
Netherlands Antilles
obverse of 1 Cent - Juliana (1970 - 1978) coin with KM# 8 from Netherlands Antilles. Inscription: NEDERLANDSE ANTILLEN 1971 LIBERTATE UNANIMUS reverse of 1 Cent - Juliana (1970 - 1978) coin with KM# 8 from Netherlands Antilles. Inscription: 1 CENT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1974 1 G 0.03 USD
Dutch colony
Netherlands East Indies
obverse of 2 1/2 Cents - Wilhelmina (1914 - 1945) coin with KM# 316 from Netherlands East Indies. Inscription: سڤر امڤت ڤوله روڤیه reverse of 2 1/2 Cents - Wilhelmina (1914 - 1945) coin with KM# 316 from Netherlands East Indies. Inscription: NEDERLANDSCH INDIE 2 · CENT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1920 48,000,000 1 G 0.37 USD
French colony
New Caledonia
obverse of 5 Francs (1952) coin with KM# 4 from New Caledonia. Inscription: REPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE UNION FRANÇAISE 1952 G.B.BAZOR reverse of 5 Francs (1952) coin with KM# 4 from New Caledonia. Inscription: 5 FRANCS NOUVELLE CALEDONIE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1952 4,000,000 1 XF 1.4 USD
New Zealand
obverse of 10 Cents - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1986 - 1998) coin with KM# 61 from New Zealand. Inscription: ELIZABETH II NEW ZEALAND 1988 reverse of 10 Cents - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1986 - 1998) coin with KM# 61 from New Zealand. Inscription: 10
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1991 20,000 In sets only 1 F 0.06 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - Rowi (2005) coin with KM# 153 from New Zealand. Inscription: NEW ZEALAND ELIZABETH II 2005 reverse of 1 Dollar - Rowi (2005) coin with KM# 153 from New Zealand. Inscription: ROWI ONE DOLLAR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 10,000 1 UNC 44.55 USD
obverse of 10 Dollars - Elizabeth II - Century of Motoring (1998) coin with KM# 114 from New Zealand. Inscription: ELIZABETH II NEW ZEALAND 1998 reverse of 10 Dollars - Elizabeth II - Century of Motoring (1998) coin with KM# 114 from New Zealand. Inscription: ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF MOTORING BENZ TEN DOLLARS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 2,000 1 UNC 14.4 USD
obverse of 5 Centavos de Córdoba (1946 - 1972) coin with KM# 24 from Nicaragua. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE NICARAGUA 1952 reverse of 5 Centavos de Córdoba (1946 - 1972) coin with KM# 24 from Nicaragua. Inscription: EN DIOS CONFIAMOS 5 CENTAVOS DE CORDOBA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1952 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 20 Kroner - Harald V (1994 - 2010) coin with KM# 453 from Norway. Inscription: HARALD V NORGES KONGE reverse of 20 Kroner - Harald V (1994 - 2010) coin with KM# 453 from Norway. Inscription: 20 KR 20 03
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 JJE 1,049,873 1 G 1.78 USD
obverse of 1/4 Anna - Sayyid Faisal bin Turki (1894) coin with KM# 2 from Oman. reverse of 1/4 Anna - Sayyid Faisal bin Turki (1894) coin with KM# 2 from Oman.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1311 (1894) 1 VF Unknown
obverse of 100 Baïza - Qaboos bin Said Al Said (1984) coin with KM# 68 from Oman. Inscription: سلطنة عمان reverse of 100 Baïza - Qaboos bin Said Al Said (1984) coin with KM# 68 from Oman. Inscription: البنك المركزي العماني ١٠٠ بيسة
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1404 (1984) 4,000,000 1 VG 0.26 USD
Islamic Republic
obverse of 50 Rupees - Independece (1997) coin with KM# 60 from Pakistan. Inscription: 50 1997 reverse of 50 Rupees - Independece (1997) coin with KM# 60 from Pakistan. Inscription: 1947 - 1997
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 500,000 1 VG 0.53 USD
obverse of 1 Balboa (2011) coin with KM# 141 from Panama. Inscription: REPUBLIC DE PANAMA UN BALBOA reverse of 1 Balboa (2011) coin with KM# 141 from Panama. Inscription: VASCO NUÑEZ DE BALBOA 2011
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 1 XF 1 USD
Papua New Guinea
obverse of 2 Toea - Elizabeth II (1975 - 2004) coin with KM# 2 from Papua New Guinea. Inscription: PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1975 reverse of 2 Toea - Elizabeth II (1975 - 2004) coin with KM# 2 from Papua New Guinea. Inscription: 2 t
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1978 FM 1 VF Unknown
obverse of 10 Toea - Elizabeth II (1975 - 2001) coin with KM# 4 from Papua New Guinea. Inscription: PAPUA NEW GUINEA FM 1975 reverse of 10 Toea - Elizabeth II (1975 - 2001) coin with KM# 4 from Papua New Guinea. Inscription: 10 t
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1975 8,600,000 1 VG 0.05 USD
obverse of 10 Toea - Elizabeth II (2002 - 2010) coin with KM# 4a from Papua New Guinea. Inscription: PAPUA NEW GUINEA reverse of 10 Toea - Elizabeth II (2002 - 2010) coin with KM# 4a from Papua New Guinea. Inscription: 10 t
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 1 VF 0.28 USD
obverse of 50 Guaraníes - Date on head (1980 - 1988) coin with KM# 169 from Paraguay. Inscription: REPUBLICA DEL PARAGUAY MCAL.J.F.ESTIGARRIBIA 1986 reverse of 50 Guaraníes - Date on head (1980 - 1988) coin with KM# 169 from Paraguay. Inscription: 50 REPRESA ACARAY GUARANIES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 10,700,000 1 XF 0.6 USD
obverse of 1/2 Sol de Oro - Large Coat of Arms (1966 - 1973) coin with KM# 247 from Peru. Inscription: BANCO CENTRAL DE RESERVA DEL PERU 1969 reverse of 1/2 Sol de Oro - Large Coat of Arms (1966 - 1973) coin with KM# 247 from Peru. Inscription: 1/2 SOL DE ORO
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1968 JAS 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 2 Piso (1983 - 1990) coin with KM# 244 from Philippines. Inscription: REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS ANDRES BONIFACIO 1983 reverse of 2 Piso (1983 - 1990) coin with KM# 244 from Philippines. Inscription: COCOS NUCIFERA 2 PISO
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1986 25,260,000 1 F 0.09 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 MW 300,000 1 VG 1.42 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Polish Painters in XIX/XX Centuries: Jacek Malczewski (1854-1929) (2003) coin with Y# 477 from Poland. Inscription: RZECPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2003 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Polish Painters in XIX/XX Centuries: Jacek Malczewski (1854-1929) (2003) coin with Y# 477 from Poland. Inscription: JACEK MALCZEWSKI 1854 - 1929
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 MW 600,000 1 VG 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Lodzkie (2004) coin with Y# 487 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2004 zł 2 zł reverse of 2 Złote - Lodzkie (2004) coin with Y# 487 from Poland. Inscription: WOJEWÓDZTWO ŁÓDZKIE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 MW 920,000 1 XF 1.43 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Warsaw Uprising (2004) coin with Y# 496 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2004 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Warsaw Uprising (2004) coin with Y# 496 from Poland. Inscription: 60. ROCZNICA POWSTANIA WARSZAWSKIEGO . 1944-2004 .
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 MW 900,000 1 G 0.49 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński (1905-1953) - The 100th Anniversary of the Birth (2005) coin with Y# 527 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2005 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński (1905-1953) - The 100th Anniversary of the Birth (2005) coin with Y# 527 from Poland. Inscription: KONSTANTY ILDEFONS GAŁCZYNSKY 1905 - 1953
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 MW 850,000 1 G 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - The 25th Anniversary of forming the Solidarity Trade Union (2005) coin with Y# 565 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2005 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - The 25th Anniversary of forming the Solidarity Trade Union (2005) coin with Y# 565 from Poland. Inscription: 1980.2005 NSZZ SOLIDARNOŚĆ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 MW 1,000,000 1 F 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Nowy Sącz (2006) coin with Y# 573 from Poland. Inscription: RZECSPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2 zł reverse of 2 Złote - Nowy Sącz (2006) coin with Y# 573 from Poland. Inscription: NOWY SĄCZ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 MW 1,100,000 1 VF 0.7 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - History of the Polish Zloty: 5 zloty of 1928 issue (Nike) (2007) coin with Y# 592 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2007 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - History of the Polish Zloty: 5 zloty of 1928 issue (Nike) (2007) coin with Y# 592 from Poland. Inscription: DZIEJE ZŁOTEGO
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 MW 900,000 1 XF 1.48 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Brzeg (2007) coin with Y# 615 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2007 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Brzeg (2007) coin with Y# 615 from Poland. Inscription: BRZEG
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 MW 1,000,000 1 XF 1.48 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Cities in Poland - Jędrzejów (2009) coin with Y# 710 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2009 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Cities in Poland - Jędrzejów (2009) coin with Y# 710 from Poland. Inscription: KLASZTOR CYSTERSOW JEDRZEJOW
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 MW 1 VF 0.74 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Cities in Poland - Trzebnica (2009) coin with Y# 711 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2009 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Cities in Poland - Trzebnica (2009) coin with Y# 711 from Poland. Inscription: SANKTUARIUM sw. JADWIGI TRZEBNICA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 MW 1 VG 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Zofia Stryjenska (2011) coin with Y# 764 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2011 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Zofia Stryjenska (2011) coin with Y# 764 from Poland. Inscription: ZOFIA STRYJEŃSKA 1891-1976
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 MW 1,000,000 1 F 0.49 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Piotr Michalowski 1800-1855 (2012) coin with Y# 842 from Poland. Inscription: 2RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 2012 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Piotr Michalowski 1800-1855 (2012) coin with Y# 842 from Poland. Inscription: PIOTR MICHALOWSKI 1800-1855
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 MW 800,000 1 VG 0.49 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - Bolesław Prus (2012) coin with Y# 838 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA 20 12 ZŁ 2 ZŁ reverse of 2 Złote - Bolesław Prus (2012) coin with Y# 838 from Poland. Inscription: BOLESŁAW PRUS 1847-1912
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 MW 8,000,000 1 G 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Złote - reverse of 2 Złote -
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 MW 800,000 1 VF 0.63 USD
obverse of 2 Złote (1994 - 2015) coin with Y# 283 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA · 2009 · reverse of 2 Złote (1994 - 2015) coin with Y# 283 from Poland. Inscription: 2 ZŁOTE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 MW 28,000,000 1 XF 0.55 USD
obverse of 5 Złotych (1994 - 2015) coin with Y# 284 from Poland. Inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA · 1996 · reverse of 5 Złotych (1994 - 2015) coin with Y# 284 from Poland. Inscription: 5 ZŁOTYCH
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 MW 52,940,000 1 VF 1.26 USD
obverse of 20 Złotych - Animals of the World: European green lizard (Lacerta viridis) (2009) coin with Y# 679 from Poland. reverse of 20 Złotych - Animals of the World: European green lizard (Lacerta viridis) (2009) coin with Y# 679 from Poland.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 MW 100,000 1 UNC 44.1 USD
obverse of 20 Centavos (1969 - 1974) coin with KM# 595 from Portugal. Inscription: REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA 1970 reverse of 20 Centavos (1969 - 1974) coin with KM# 595 from Portugal. Inscription: 20 CENTAVOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1969 10,891,000 1 VF 0.25 USD
obverse of 5 Escudos (1963 - 1986) coin with KM# 591 from Portugal. Inscription: REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA 1986 reverse of 5 Escudos (1963 - 1986) coin with KM# 591 from Portugal. Inscription: 5$00
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1973 2,836,000 1 XF 1.25 USD
obverse of 5 Escudos - Roller Hockey Championship (1983) coin with KM# 615 from Portugal. Inscription: REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA 5$00 reverse of 5 Escudos - Roller Hockey Championship (1983) coin with KM# 615 from Portugal. Inscription: 82 MUNDIAL HOQUEI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1983) 1,990,000 1 G 0.04 USD
obverse of 200 Escudos - California (1992) coin with KM# 661 from Portugal. Inscription: REPÚBLICA PORTUGUESA 200 ESC. reverse of 200 Escudos - California (1992) coin with KM# 661 from Portugal. Inscription: CALIFÓRNIA 1542 1992 JOÃO RODRIGUES CABRILHO ISABEL C.-F.BRANCO INCM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1992) 1,300,000 1 G 0.13 USD
obverse of 200 Escudos - Tordesilhas (1994) coin with KM# 671 from Portugal. Inscription: REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA 200 ESCUDOS reverse of 200 Escudos - Tordesilhas (1994) coin with KM# 671 from Portugal. Inscription: TRATADO DE TORDESILHAS 1494-1994 FERNANDO · E · ISABEL · REIS · DE · ESPANA JOÃO II · REI · DE · PORTUGAL ISABEL C.-F.BRANCO
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
ND (1994) 750,000 1 VF 1.38 USD
obverse of 10 Euro Cent - 2'nd Map (2008 - 2014) coin with KM# 763 from Portugal. Inscription: P O R T U G A L PO RT VG AL VS INCM 2 0 0 8 reverse of 10 Euro Cent - 2'nd Map (2008 - 2014) coin with KM# 763 from Portugal. Inscription: 10 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 INCM 1 XF 0.75 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Portuguese Republic (2010) coin with KM# 796 from Portugal. Inscription: REPÚBLICA PORTUGUESA 1910 · 2010 · INCM JOSÉ CÂNDIDO reverse of 2 Euro - Portuguese Republic (2010) coin with KM# 796 from Portugal. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 INCM 2,035,000 1 VF 2.07 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Fernão Mendes Pinto (2011) coin with KM# 804 from Portugal. Inscription: FERNÃO MENDES PINTO 1511 2011 PORTUGAL INCM IC-FB PORTUGAL INDIA DIU GOA BIRMANIA PEREGRINÄÇO PEREGRINÄÇO TARTÁRIA CHINA MALACA ORMUZ SONDA NACAU PATANE SIÄO CAMB reverse of 2 Euro - Fernão Mendes Pinto (2011) coin with KM# 804 from Portugal. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 INCM 12,500 In sets only 1 VG | 1 VG 2.06 USD
obverse of 2.5 Euro - Army Institute Pupils (2011) coin with KM# 809 from Portugal. Inscription: 2,5 EURO 100° ANIVERSÁRIO DO INSTITUTO DOS PUPILOS DO EXÉRCITO reverse of 2.5 Euro - Army Institute Pupils (2011) coin with KM# 809 from Portugal. Inscription: QUERER É PODER PORTUGAL - 2011 J.V. INCM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 INCM 100,000 1 UNC 7 USD
obverse of 10 Dirhams - Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani - Non magnetic (2006) coin with KM# 13 from Qatar. Inscription: ١٤٢٧ . ٢٠٠٦ reverse of 10 Dirhams - Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani - Non magnetic (2006) coin with KM# 13 from Qatar. Inscription: 10 DIRHAMS ١٠ STATE OF QATAR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1427 (2006) 1 G 0.04 USD
obverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1964) coin with KM# 4 from Rhodesia. Inscription: ELIZABETH THE SECOND reverse of 25 Cents - Elizabeth II - 2'nd Portrait (1964) coin with KM# 4 from Rhodesia. Inscription: RHODESIA 2/6 · 1964 · 25c
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1964 11,500,000 1 VF 0.95 USD
obverse of 2 Lei (1951 - 1952) coin with KM# 79a from Romania. Inscription: REPUBLICA POPULARA ROMANIA reverse of 2 Lei (1951 - 1952) coin with KM# 79a from Romania. Inscription: 2 LEI 1951
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1951 1 G 0.24 USD
obverse of 3 Bani (1952 - 1954) coin with KM# 82 from Romania. reverse of 3 Bani (1952 - 1954) coin with KM# 82 from Romania. Inscription: 3 BANI 1952
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1952 26,100,000 1 XF 11.05 USD
obverse of 5 Lei (1978) coin with KM# 97 from Romania. Inscription: REPUBLICA SOCIALISTA ROMANIA 1978 reverse of 5 Lei (1978) coin with KM# 97 from Romania. Inscription: 5 LEI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1978 1 VG 0.48 USD
obverse of 5 Bani (2005 - 2016) coin with KM# 190 from Romania. Inscription: ROMANIA 2015 reverse of 5 Bani (2005 - 2016) coin with KM# 190 from Romania. Inscription: 5 BANI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 1 VG 0.03 USD
obverse of 2 Roubles - Barclay de Tolly (2012) coin with Y# 1393 from Russia. Inscription: М.Б.БАРКЛАЙ ДЕ ТОЛЛИ reverse of 2 Roubles - Barclay de Tolly (2012) coin with Y# 1393 from Russia. Inscription: 2 РУБЛЯ БАНК РОССИИ 2012
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 ММД 5,000,000 1 VG 0.06 USD
obverse of 5 Roubles - 200th Anniversary of the Victory in the Patriotic War: Battle of Borodino (2012) coin with Y# 1409 from Russia. Inscription: БОРОДИНСКОЕ СРАЖЕНИЕ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННАЯ ВОЙНА 1812 ГОДА reverse of 5 Roubles - 200th Anniversary of the Victory in the Patriotic War: Battle of Borodino (2012) coin with Y# 1409 from Russia. Inscription: 5 РУБЛЕЙ БАНК РОССИИ 2012
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 MMD 5,000,000 1 XF 2.18 USD
obverse of 10 Roubles - Bryansk (2010) coin with Y# 1275 from Russia. Inscription: ДРЕВНИЕ ГОРОДА РОССИИ БРЯНСК reverse of 10 Roubles - Bryansk (2010) coin with Y# 1275 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2010
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 СПМД 10,000,000 1 G 0.13 USD
obverse of 10 Roubles (2009 - 2015) coin with Y# 998 from Russia. Inscription: ДЕСЯТЬ РУБЛЕЙ ММД БАНК РОССИИ 2012 reverse of 10 Roubles (2009 - 2015) coin with Y# 998 from Russia. Inscription: 10 РУБЛЕЙ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 MMД 1 G 0.11 USD
obverse of 10 Roubles - Rzhev (2011) coin with Y# 1323 from Russia. Inscription: ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ РЖЕВ reverse of 10 Roubles - Rzhev (2011) coin with Y# 1323 from Russia. Inscription: БАНК РОССИИ 10 РУБЛЕЙ 2011
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 СПМД 1 F 0.39 USD
obverse of 10 Roubles - Bronze winners of XXX Olympic games 2012 (2014) coin with Y# 1514 from Russia. Inscription: ДЕСЯТЬ РУБЛЕЙ БАНК РОССИИ 2014 reverse of 10 Roubles - Bronze winners of XXX Olympic games 2012 (2014) coin with Y# 1514 from Russia. Inscription: РОССИЙСКИЕ СПОРТСМЕНЫ БРОНЗОВЫЕ ПР&#
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 500 1 UNC 0.11 USD
obverse of 50 Francs (2009 - 2011) coin with KM# 36 from Rwanda. Inscription: BANKI NKURU Y'U RWANDA 2011 reverse of 50 Francs (2009 - 2011) coin with KM# 36 from Rwanda. Inscription: REPUBLIKA Y'U RWANDA UBUMWI UMURIMO GUKUNDA IGIHUGU AMAFARANGA 50 MIRONGO ITANU
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 1 VG 0.16 USD
2011 1 VG 0.04 USD
Most Serene Republic
San Marino
obverse of 5 Euro Cent (2002 - 2015) coin with KM# 442 from San Marino. Inscription: 2006 SAN MARINO Ch R ELF INC. reverse of 5 Euro Cent (2002 - 2015) coin with KM# 442 from San Marino. Inscription: 5 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2011 R 1 F 1 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - 10 Years of Euro Cash (2012) coin with KM# 519 from San Marino. Inscription: San Marino A.H. · 2002 2012 reverse of 2 Euro - 10 Years of Euro Cash (2012) coin with KM# 519 from San Marino. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 R 125,000 In sets only 1 G | 1 F 4.34 USD
Democratic Republic
São Tomé and Príncipe
obverse of 5 Dobras - FAO (1977) coin with KM# 28 from São Tomé and Príncipe. reverse of 5 Dobras - FAO (1977) coin with KM# 28 from São Tomé and Príncipe.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1977 750,000 1 XF Unknown
obverse of 10 Cents - Charles Vyner Brooke (1920 - 1934) coin with KM# 16 from Sarawak. Inscription: C.V.BROOKE RAJAH · SARAWAK · reverse of 10 Cents - Charles Vyner Brooke (1920 - 1934) coin with KM# 16 from Sarawak. Inscription: 10 CENTS 1934
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1920 H 800,000 1 G 0.73 USD
Saudi Arabia
obverse of 10 Halala - Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (1972) coin with KM# 46 from Saudi Arabia. Inscription: فيصل بن عبد العزيز السعود ملك المملكة العربية السعودية reverse of 10 Halala - Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (1972) coin with KM# 46 from Saudi Arabia. Inscription: عشر هللات 10 ١٠ قرشات ١٣٩٢
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1392 (1972) 55,000,000 1 F 0.1 USD
obverse of 1 Dinar - 1st Coat of Arms; Non magnetic (2005 - 2009) coin with KM# 39 from Serbia. Inscription: РЕПУБЛИКА СРБИJА-REPUBLIKA SRBIJA · НБС-NBS · reverse of 1 Dinar - 1st Coat of Arms; Non magnetic (2005 - 2009) coin with KM# 39 from Serbia. Inscription: ДИНАР-DINAR 1 2006
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 1 VF 0.13 USD
obverse of 10 Cents (1982 - 2003) coin with KM# 48 from Seychelles. Inscription: REPUBLIC OF SEYCHELLES · 1990 · PM reverse of 10 Cents (1982 - 2003) coin with KM# 48 from Seychelles. Inscription: 10 TEN CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 PM 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 1 Rupee (1982 - 2010) coin with KM# 50 from Seychelles. Inscription: REPUBLIC OF SEYCHELLES · 1997 · reverse of 1 Rupee (1982 - 2010) coin with KM# 50 from Seychelles. Inscription: ONE RUPEE 1
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 PM 1 VF 0.13 USD
Sierra Leone
obverse of 10 Leones (1996) coin with KM# 44 from Sierra Leone. Inscription: MAMMY YOKO TEN LEONES reverse of 10 Leones (1996) coin with KM# 44 from Sierra Leone. Inscription: REPUBLIC OF SIERRA LEONE 10 LEONES 1996
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 1 VF 0.18 USD
obverse of 500 Leones (2004) coin with KM# 296 from Sierra Leone. Inscription: KAI LONDO 1845-1896 FIVE HUNDRED LEONES reverse of 500 Leones (2004) coin with KM# 296 from Sierra Leone. Inscription: REPUBLIC OF SIERRA LEONE UNITY FREEDOM JUSTICE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 1 XF 3.7 USD
obverse of 10 Cents (1967 - 1985) coin with KM# 3 from Singapore. reverse of 10 Cents (1967 - 1985) coin with KM# 3 from Singapore. Inscription: 10 CENTS 1968 SINGAPORE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1979 sm 3,500 1 VF 0.07 USD
obverse of 10 Cents (2013 - 2014) coin with KM# 346 from Singapore. Inscription: SINGAPURA 新加坡 SINGAPORE சிங்கப்பூர் MAJULAH SINGAPURA 2013 reverse of 10 Cents (2013 - 2014) coin with KM# 346 from Singapore. Inscription: 10 CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 1 F 0.07 USD
obverse of 50 Halierov (1996 - 2008) coin with KM# 35 from Slovakia. Inscription: SLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA 2005 Z reverse of 50 Halierov (1996 - 2008) coin with KM# 35 from Slovakia. Inscription: 50 h Z
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 22,050,000 1 VF 0.14 USD
obverse of 10 Euro Cent - 2'nd Map (2007 - 2014) coin with KM# 71 from Slovenia. Inscription: KATEDRALA SVOBODE SLOVENIJA 2007 reverse of 10 Euro Cent - 2'nd Map (2007 - 2014) coin with KM# 71 from Slovenia. Inscription: 10 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 1 VG 0.1 USD
obverse of 50 Euro Cent - 2'nd Map (2007 - 2014) coin with KM# 73 from Slovenia. Inscription: S L O V E N I J A OJ TRIGLAV MOJ DOM 2007 reverse of 50 Euro Cent - 2'nd Map (2007 - 2014) coin with KM# 73 from Slovenia. Inscription: 50 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 148,000 In sets only 1 G 0.52 USD
Solomon Islands
obverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1987 - 2010) coin with KM# 24 from Solomon Islands. Inscription: ELIZABETH II SOLOMON ISLANDS 1996 reverse of 1 Cent - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1987 - 2010) coin with KM# 24 from Solomon Islands. Inscription: 1 CENT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 1 XF 0.18 USD
obverse of 10 Cents - Elizabeth II - Non magnetic; 3'rd Portrait (1988) coin with KM# 27 from Solomon Islands. Inscription: ELIZABETH II SOLOMON ISLANDS 1988 reverse of 10 Cents - Elizabeth II - Non magnetic; 3'rd Portrait (1988) coin with KM# 27 from Solomon Islands. Inscription: 10 CENTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 1 XF 0.33 USD
South Africa
obverse of 1/4 Penny - George VI (1937 - 1947) coin with KM# 23 from South Africa. Inscription: GEORGIVS VI REX IMPERATOR reverse of 1/4 Penny - George VI (1937 - 1947) coin with KM# 23 from South Africa. Inscription: SOUTH · AFRICA · 1942 · SUID · AFRICA 1/4D.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1944 4,467,987 1 VF 0.45 USD
obverse of 5 Cents - AFRIKA-DZONGA (1996 - 2000) coin with KM# 160 from South Africa. Inscription: AFRIKA-DZONGA EX UNITATE VIRES 1997 ALS reverse of 5 Cents - AFRIKA-DZONGA (1996 - 2000) coin with KM# 160 from South Africa. Inscription: 5c GJR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 228,000,000 1 F 0.04 USD
obverse of 10 Cents - SOUTH AFRICA (2000 - 2001) coin with KM# 224 from South Africa. Inscription: SOUTH AFRICA 2001 ALS reverse of 10 Cents - SOUTH AFRICA (2000 - 2001) coin with KM# 224 from South Africa. Inscription: 10c RCM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2001 10,000,000 1 XF 0.3 USD
obverse of 20 Cents - SOUTH AFRICA (2002) coin with KM# 270 from South Africa. Inscription: South Africa 2002 ALS reverse of 20 Cents - SOUTH AFRICA (2002) coin with KM# 270 from South Africa. Inscription: 20c SE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 42,000,000 1 F 0.09 USD
obverse of 1 Rand - ININGIZIMU AFRIKA - UMZANTSI AFRIKA (2004) coin with KM# 333 from South Africa. Inscription: iNingizimu Afrika 2004 uMzantsi Afrika ALS reverse of 1 Rand - ININGIZIMU AFRIKA - UMZANTSI AFRIKA (2004) coin with KM# 333 from South Africa. Inscription: 1 RAND SOLI DEO GLORIA LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 51,474,000 1 G 0.05 USD
obverse of 5 Rand - AFRIKA DZONGA - NINGIZIMU AFRIKA (2004) coin with KM# 281 from South Africa. Inscription: Afrika Dsonga · 2004 · Ningizimu Afrika · ALS reverse of 5 Rand - AFRIKA DZONGA - NINGIZIMU AFRIKA (2004) coin with KM# 281 from South Africa. Inscription: 5 RAND ALS SARB SARB...
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 31,098,000 1 G 0.27 USD
obverse of 5 Rand - AFRIKA DZONGA - SOUTH AFRICA (2005) coin with KM# 297 from South Africa. Inscription: Afrika Dzonga · 2005 · South Africa · ALS reverse of 5 Rand - AFRIKA DZONGA - SOUTH AFRICA (2005) coin with KM# 297 from South Africa. Inscription: 5 RAND ALS SARB SARB...
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 CW 997 1 VF 12 USD
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 1 F 0.27 USD
British colony
Southern Rhodesia
obverse of 1 Penny - George V (1934 - 1936) coin with KM# 7 from Southern Rhodesia. Inscription: GEORGE V KING EMPEROR reverse of 1 Penny - George V (1934 - 1936) coin with KM# 7 from Southern Rhodesia. Inscription: SOUTHERN RHODESIA ONE PENNY · 1934 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1934 360,000 1 F 0.75 USD
Soviet Union (USSR)
obverse of 15 Kopeks - 15 ribbons (1961 - 1991) coin with Y# 131 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СССР reverse of 15 Kopeks - 15 ribbons (1961 - 1991) coin with Y# 131 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 15 КОПЕЕК 1961
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1986 1 VF 0.2 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble (1961 - 1991) coin with Y# 134a from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: СОЮЗ СОВЕТСКИХ СОЦИАЛИСТИЧЕСКИХ РЕСПУБЛ reverse of 1 Rouble (1961 - 1991) coin with Y# 134a from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: 1 РУБЛЬ 1964
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1961 1 F 1.85 USD
obverse of 1 Rouble - 130th Anniversary to Birth of Anton Chekhov (1990) coin with Y# 240 from Soviet Union (USSR). Inscription: CCCP 1 РУБЛЬ 1990 reverse of 1 Rouble - 130th Anniversary to Birth of Anton Chekhov (1990) coin with Y# 240 from Soviet Union (USSR).
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 2,600,000 1 G 0.15 USD
obverse of 50 Centimos - Juan Carlos I - 1982 FIFA World Cup (1980) coin with KM# 815 from Spain. Inscription: JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA 1980 reverse of 50 Centimos - Juan Carlos I - 1982 FIFA World Cup (1980) coin with KM# 815 from Spain. Inscription: ESPAÑA '82 50 CTS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 80 15,000,000 1 XF 0.1 USD
obverse of 1 Peseta - Juan Carlos I (1975) coin with KM# 806 from Spain. Inscription: JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA 1975 reverse of 1 Peseta - Juan Carlos I (1975) coin with KM# 806 from Spain. Inscription: UNA PESETA 19 80 UNA GRANDE LIBRE PLUS ULTRA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1975 77 243,380,000 1 VG 0.02 USD
obverse of 5 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I (1975) coin with KM# 807 from Spain. Inscription: JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA 1975 reverse of 5 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I (1975) coin with KM# 807 from Spain. Inscription: 5 PTAS 76
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1975 80 322,000,000 1 VF 0.05 USD
obverse of 10 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Seneca (1997) coin with KM# 982 from Spain. Inscription: ESPAÑA M SENECA reverse of 10 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Seneca (1997) coin with KM# 982 from Spain. Inscription: 10 PTAS 1997
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 1 G 0.04 USD
obverse of 25 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Barcelona '92 discus throw (1990 - 1991) coin with KM# 850 from Spain. Inscription: ESPAÑA 1991 reverse of 25 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Barcelona '92 discus throw (1990 - 1991) coin with KM# 850 from Spain. Inscription: 25 PTAS barcelona 92
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 150,000,000 1 F 0.13 USD
obverse of 100 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - 1982 FIFA World Cup (1980) coin with KM# 820 from Spain. Inscription: JUAN CARLOS REY DE ESPAÑA · 1980 · reverse of 100 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - 1982 FIFA World Cup (1980) coin with KM# 820 from Spain. Inscription: ESPAÑA '82 100 PTAS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1980 80 20,000,000 1 XF 0.75 USD
obverse of 200 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Madrid European Capital of Culture (1992) coin with KM# 909 from Spain. Inscription: JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPAÑA 1992 reverse of 200 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Madrid European Capital of Culture (1992) coin with KM# 909 from Spain. Inscription: MADRID 1992 CAPITAL EUROPEA DE LA CULTURA ESPAÑA M PORTADORES DE LA ANTORCHA 200 PTAS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 1 VG 0.31 USD
obverse of 200 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Masters of Spanish Painting (1996) coin with KM# 965 from Spain. Inscription: MAESTROS DE LA PINTURA ESPAÑOLA reverse of 200 Pesetas - Juan Carlos I - Masters of Spanish Painting (1996) coin with KM# 965 from Spain. Inscription: ESPAÑA 1996 200 PESETAS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 9,206,000 1 F 0.35 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Juan Carlos I - Great Mosque of Córdoba (2010) coin with KM# 1152 from Spain. Inscription: ESPAÑA 2010 M reverse of 2 Euro - Juan Carlos I - Great Mosque of Córdoba (2010) coin with KM# 1152 from Spain. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 M 65,000 In sets only 1 VF 2.23 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Juan Carlos I - 2'nd Map; 2'nd Type (2010 - 2015) coin with KM# 1151 from Spain. Inscription: ESPANA 2010 M reverse of 2 Euro - Juan Carlos I - 2'nd Map; 2'nd Type (2010 - 2015) coin with KM# 1151 from Spain. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 M In sets only 1 G 2.06 USD
Democratic Socialist Republic
Sri Lanka
obverse of 25 Cents (1996 - 2004) coin with KM# 141a from Sri Lanka. reverse of 25 Cents (1996 - 2004) coin with KM# 141a from Sri Lanka. Inscription: 25 இருபத்தைநது ௧தம TWENTY FIVE CENTS 1996
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 1 F Unknown
obverse of 5 Rupees - Buddha (2006) coin with KM# 170 from Sri Lanka. reverse of 5 Rupees - Buddha (2006) coin with KM# 170 from Sri Lanka.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 1 VF 0.7 USD
obverse of 2 Ghirsh (1983) coin with KM# 57.2a from Sudan. جمهورية السودان الديمقراطية. ٢. قرشان.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1403 (1983) 100,000 1 F 0.35 USD
obverse of 1 Cent (1972 - 1986) coin with KM# 11a from Suriname. Inscription: SURINAME reverse of 1 Cent (1972 - 1986) coin with KM# 11a from Suriname. Inscription: 19 I 78 CENT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1979 10,000,000 1 VG 0.03 USD
obverse of 20 Cents - Sobhuza II (1974 - 1979) coin with KM# 11 from Swaziland. Inscription: SWAZILAND reverse of 20 Cents - Sobhuza II (1974 - 1979) coin with KM# 11 from Swaziland. Inscription: 20 CENTS 1974
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1975 1,000,000 1 VF 0.35 USD
obverse of 1 Öre - Oscar II (1873) coin with KM# 728 from Sweden. Inscription: OSCAR II SVERIGES NORR. G.O.V KONUNG reverse of 1 Öre - Oscar II (1873) coin with KM# 728 from Sweden. Inscription: 1 ÖRE 1873
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1873 LA. 1 VG 2.48 USD
obverse of 5 Öre - Oscar II - Large letters (1888 - 1905) coin with KM# 757 from Sweden. reverse of 5 Öre - Oscar II - Large letters (1888 - 1905) coin with KM# 757 from Sweden. Inscription: 5 ORE 1899
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1902 652,420 1 G Unknown
obverse of 5 Öre - Gustaf VI Adolf (1952 - 1971) coin with KM# 822 from Sweden. Inscription: GUSTAF VI ADOLF SVERIGES KONUNG TS reverse of 5 Öre - Gustaf VI Adolf (1952 - 1971) coin with KM# 822 from Sweden. Inscription: 5 ØRE 1952
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1958 TS 9,498,400 1 G 0.07 USD
obverse of 5 Öre - Carl XVI Gustaf (1981 - 1984) coin with KM# 849a from Sweden. Inscription: 19 CG 83 XVI reverse of 5 Öre - Carl XVI Gustaf (1981 - 1984) coin with KM# 849a from Sweden. Inscription: SVERIGE 5 ÖRE U
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1983 U 36,304,042 1 XF 0.13 USD
obverse of 50 Öre - Gustaf V (1920 - 1947) coin with KM# 796 from Sweden. Inscription: 19 47 reverse of 50 Öre - Gustaf V (1920 - 1947) coin with KM# 796 from Sweden. Inscription: 50 ÖRE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1921 W 215,000 1 F 2.75 USD
obverse of 1 Krona - Carl XVI Gustaf (1982 - 2000) coin with KM# 852a from Sweden. Inscription: CARL XVI GUSTAF · SVERIGE 20 00 reverse of 1 Krona - Carl XVI Gustaf (1982 - 2000) coin with KM# 852a from Sweden. Inscription: FÖR SVERIGE I TIDEN 1 KR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1982 U 24,836,789 1 XF 0.13 USD
obverse of 5 Kronor - Carl XVI Gustaf (1976 - 1992) coin with KM# 853 from Sweden. Inscription: SVERIGE 1985 CG XVI reverse of 5 Kronor - Carl XVI Gustaf (1976 - 1992) coin with KM# 853 from Sweden. Inscription: E U 5 KRONOR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 D 10,557,882 1 VF 0.47 USD
obverse of 1 Rappen (1948 - 2006) coin with KM# 46 from Switzerland. Inscription: HELVETIA · 2005 · reverse of 1 Rappen (1948 - 2006) coin with KM# 46 from Switzerland. Inscription: 1 B
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1982 6,665,000 1 F 0.03 USD
obverse of 2 Francs (1968 - 2015) coin with KM# 21a from Switzerland. Inscription: HELVETIA A. BOVY INCT reverse of 2 Francs (1968 - 2015) coin with KM# 21a from Switzerland. Inscription: 2 Fr. 1970
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1968 10,000,000 1 VF 2.19 USD
obverse of 5 Francs (1968 - 2019) coin with KM# 40a from Switzerland. Inscription: CONFOEDERATIO HELVETICA P. BVRKHARD INCT reverse of 5 Francs (1968 - 2019) coin with KM# 40a from Switzerland. Inscription: 5 FR. 2011 B
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 B 9,021,000 1 G 5.48 USD
Arab Republic
obverse of 50 Piastres - No stars on shield (1974) coin with KM# 108 from Syria. Inscription: اتحاد الجمهوريات العربية ١٣٩٤-١٩٧٤ reverse of 50 Piastres - No stars on shield (1974) coin with KM# 108 from Syria. Inscription: الجمهورية العربية السورية ٥٠ قرش
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1394 (1974) 1 G 0.04 USD
obverse of 1 Pound - Smaller (1991) coin with KM# 120.2 from Syria. Inscription: ١٤١٢ - ١٩٩١ reverse of 1 Pound - Smaller (1991) coin with KM# 120.2 from Syria. Inscription: الجمهورية العربية السورية ١
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1412 (1991) 1 XF 0.75 USD
United Republic
obverse of 50 Senti (1988 - 1990) coin with KM# 26 from Tanzania. Inscription: TANZANIA 1990 reverse of 50 Senti (1988 - 1990) coin with KM# 26 from Tanzania. Inscription: SENTI HAMSINI 50
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1989 1 G 0.04 USD
obverse of 1 Baht - Rama IX - Reign of Rama IX (1996) coin with Y# 330 from Thailand. reverse of 1 Baht - Rama IX - Reign of Rama IX (1996) coin with Y# 330 from Thailand. Inscription: ๑ บาท
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2539 (1996) 272,572,000 1 G 0.03 USD
obverse of 10 Baht - Rama IX - Jubilee - Large portrait (1996) coin with Y# 328.2 from Thailand. Inscription: พระบาทสมเด็จพระปรมินทรมหาภูมิพลอดุลยเดชฯ สยามินทราธิราชบรมนาถบพิตร ริย์รัชกาลที่ ๙ reverse of 10 Baht - Rama IX - Jubilee - Large portrait (1996) coin with Y# 328.2 from Thailand. Inscription: ฉลองสิริราชสมบัติครบ ๕๐ปี กาญจนาภิเษก ๙ มิถุนายน ๒๕๓๙ ประเทศไทย ๕๐ ฉลองสิริราชสมบัติครบ ๕๐ ปี พุทธศักราช ๒๕๓๙ ๑๐ บาท
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2539 (1996) 1 VG 0.3 USD
obverse of 10 Baht - Rama IX - Royal Thai Army (2009) coin with Y# 510 from Thailand. reverse of 10 Baht - Rama IX - Royal Thai Army (2009) coin with Y# 510 from Thailand.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2552 (2009) 3,000,000 1 F 0.3 USD
obverse of 1 Seniti - Salote Tupou III (1967) coin with KM# 4 from Tonga. Inscription: SALOTE TUPOU III 1967 reverse of 1 Seniti - Salote Tupou III (1967) coin with KM# 4 from Tonga. Inscription: 1 SENITI
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1967 500,000 1 G 0.02 USD
obverse of 10 Kopeek (2000) coin with KM# 3 from Transnistria. Inscription: ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКАЯ МОЛДАВСКАЯ РЕСПУБЛИКА 2000 ПМР РМН ПМР reverse of 10 Kopeek (2000) coin with KM# 3 from Transnistria. Inscription: 10 КОПЕЕК
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 1 VF 0.13 USD
Trinidad and Tobago
obverse of 1 Cent (1976 - 2014) coin with KM# 29 from Trinidad and Tobago. Inscription: REPUBLIC OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TOGETHER WE ASPIRE TOGETHER WE ACHIEVE 2006 reverse of 1 Cent (1976 - 2014) coin with KM# 29 from Trinidad and Tobago. Inscription: 1 CENT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1982 1 VG 0.03 USD
French Protectorate
obverse of 2 Kharub - Abdülmecid I - Countermarked (1856 - 1859) coin with KM# 116 from Tunisia. reverse of 2 Kharub - Abdülmecid I - Countermarked (1856 - 1859) coin with KM# 116 from Tunisia.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1274 (1858) 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 20 Francs - Muhammad VIII al-Amin (1950 - 1957) coin with KM# 274 from Tunisia. reverse of 20 Francs - Muhammad VIII al-Amin (1950 - 1957) coin with KM# 274 from Tunisia.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1950 10,000,000 1 VG 0.12 USD
obverse of 100 Francs - Muhammad VIII al-Amin (1950 - 1957) coin with KM# 276 from Tunisia. reverse of 100 Francs - Muhammad VIII al-Amin (1950 - 1957) coin with KM# 276 from Tunisia.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1950 8,000,000 1 VF 0.95 USD
obverse of 25 Kuruş (1959 - 1978) coin with KM# 892 from Turkey. Inscription: TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ reverse of 25 Kuruş (1959 - 1978) coin with KM# 892 from Turkey. Inscription: 25 KURUS 1970
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1978 185,000 1 F 0.13 USD
obverse of 1 Lira (1984 - 1989) coin with KM# 962 from Turkey. Inscription: TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ reverse of 1 Lira (1984 - 1989) coin with KM# 962 from Turkey. Inscription: 1 LIRA 1986
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1987 500,000 1 F 0.03 USD
obverse of 2 1/2 Lira (1960 - 1980) coin with KM# 893 from Turkey. Inscription: TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ reverse of 2 1/2 Lira (1960 - 1980) coin with KM# 893 from Turkey. Inscription: 2 1/2 LİRA 1978
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1962 3,636,000 1 F Unknown
obverse of 500 Lira (1988 - 1997) coin with KM# 989 from Turkey. Inscription: TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ reverse of 500 Lira (1988 - 1997) coin with KM# 989 from Turkey. Inscription: 500 LIRA 1989
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1997 10,000 1 XF 0.3 USD
obverse of 1 Lira - Long-eared Hedgehog (2014) coin from Turkey. Inscription: UZUM KULAKLI KİRPİ reverse of 1 Lira - Long-eared Hedgehog (2014) coin from Turkey. Inscription: TÜRKİYE CUMHURİYETİ 1 TÜRK LİRASI 2014
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 25,000 1 UNC 0.03 USD
obverse of 1 Hryvnia - European Football Championship 2012 (2012) coin with KM# 668 from Ukraine. Inscription: УКРАЇНА 1 ГРИВНЯ reverse of 1 Hryvnia - European Football Championship 2012 (2012) coin with KM# 668 from Ukraine. Inscription: ФІНАЛЬНИЙ ТУРНІР ЧЕМПІОНАТУ ЄВРОПИ З ФУТh
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 5,000,000 1 G 0.05 USD
reverse of 2 Hryvni - 100 Years of the Kyiv National Economic University (2006) coin with KM# 383 from Ukraine. Inscription: КИЇВСЬКИЙ НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ ЕКОНОМІЧНИЙ УНІВЕРСИТЕТ 1906 100 РОКІВ ІМЕНІ ВАДИМА ГЕТЬМАНА
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2006 60,000 1 UNC 14.1 USD
obverse of 2 Hryvni - Sydir Holubovych (2008) coin with KM# 477 from Ukraine. reverse of 2 Hryvni - Sydir Holubovych (2008) coin with KM# 477 from Ukraine.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 35,000 1 UNC 11.15 USD
obverse of 5 Hryven - Motor Sich (2007) coin with KM# 432 from Ukraine. reverse of 5 Hryven - Motor Sich (2007) coin with KM# 432 from Ukraine.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 45,000 1 UNC 14.55 USD
United Kingdom
obverse of 1 Shilling - Elizabeth II - English crest; Without BRITT:OMN; 1'st Portrait (1954 - 1970) coin with KM# 904 from United Kingdom. Inscription: + ELIZABETH · II · DEI · GRATIA · REGINA reverse of 1 Shilling - Elizabeth II - English crest; Without BRITT:OMN; 1'st Portrait (1954 - 1970) coin with KM# 904 from United Kingdom. Inscription: FID DEF 19 57 W G ONE SHILLING
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1957 42,774,000 1 VG 0.13 USD
obverse of 10 Pence - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1992 - 1997) coin with KM# 938b from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH II D · G · REG · F · D · 1992 RDM reverse of 10 Pence - Elizabeth II - 3'rd Portrait (1992 - 1997) coin with KM# 938b from United Kingdom. Inscription: TEN PENCE 10
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 118,738,000 1 G 0.13 USD
obverse of 50 Pence - Elizabeth II - NHS Anniversary - 4'th Portrait (1998) coin with KM# 996 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH · II · D · G REG · F · D · 1998 IRB reverse of 50 Pence - Elizabeth II - NHS Anniversary - 4'th Portrait (1998) coin with KM# 996 from United Kingdom. Inscription: NHS NHS NHS NHS NHS FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY 50 PENCE DC
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1998 5,001,000 1 XF 0.95 USD
obverse of 1 Pound - Elizabeth II - Forth Bridge - 4'th Portrait (2004) coin with KM# 1048 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH · II · D · G REG · F · D · 2004 IRB reverse of 1 Pound - Elizabeth II - Forth Bridge - 4'th Portrait (2004) coin with KM# 1048 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ONE POUND
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 39,162,000 1 VF 1.75 USD
obverse of 2 Pounds - Elizabeth II - Football - 3'rd Portrait (1996) coin with KM# 973 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH · II · DEI · GRATIA · REGINA · F · D · 2 POUNDS · RDM reverse of 2 Pounds - Elizabeth II - Football - 3'rd Portrait (1996) coin with KM# 973 from United Kingdom. Inscription: 19 96
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 5,141,000 1 VG 2.52 USD
obverse of 2 Pounds - Elizabeth II - Guinea - 4'th Portrait (2013) coin with KM# 1241 from United Kingdom. Inscription: ELIZABETH · II · DEI · GRA · REG · FID · DEF · TWO POUNDS · IRB reverse of 2 Pounds - Elizabeth II - Guinea - 4'th Portrait (2013) coin with KM# 1241 from United Kingdom. Inscription: · ANNIVERSARY · OF · THE · GOLDEN · GUINEA · 2013
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2013 1 F 2.52 USD
Federal republic
United States
obverse of 1 Cent - Early Childhood - Lincoln Penny (2009) coin with KM# 441 from United States. Inscription: IN GOD WE TRUST LIBERTY 2009 reverse of 1 Cent - Early Childhood - Lincoln Penny (2009) coin with KM# 441 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RM JL E PLURIBUS UNUM 1809 ONE CENT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 284,400,000 1 VG 0.1 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - West Virginia - Washington Quarter (2005) coin with KM# 374 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY IN GOD WE TRUST P QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - West Virginia - Washington Quarter (2005) coin with KM# 374 from United States. Inscription: WEST VIRGINIA 1863 NEW RIVER GORGE JM 2005 E PLURIBUS UNUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 D 1 XF 2.13 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - Washington - Washington Quarter (2007) coin with KM# 397 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY D IN GOD WE TRUST QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - Washington - Washington Quarter (2007) coin with KM# 397 from United States. Inscription: WASHINGTON 1889 THE EVERGREEN STATE 2007 E PLURIBUS UNUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 P 265,200,000 1 F 0.53 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - Utah - Washington Quarter (2007) coin with KM# 400 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY D IN GOD WE TRUST QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - Utah - Washington Quarter (2007) coin with KM# 400 from United States. Inscription: UTAH 1896 CROSSROADS OF THE WEST 2007 E PLURIBUS UNUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 D 253,200,000 1 XF 2.13 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - Hawaii - Washington Quarter (2008) coin with KM# 425 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY D IN GOD WE TRUST QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - Hawaii - Washington Quarter (2008) coin with KM# 425 from United States. Inscription: HAWAII 1959 UA MAU, KE EA O KA, ‘ĀINA I KA PONO 2008 E PLURIBUS UNUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 D 1 XF 2.25 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - Oklahoma - Washington Quarter (2008) coin with KM# 421 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY D IN GOD WE TRUST QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - Oklahoma - Washington Quarter (2008) coin with KM# 421 from United States. Inscription: OKLAHOMA 1907 2008 E PLURIBUS UNUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 P 222,000,000 1 F 0.57 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - Alaska - Washington Quarter (2008) coin with KM# 424 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIBERTY D IN GOD WE TRUST QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - Alaska - Washington Quarter (2008) coin with KM# 424 from United States. Inscription: ALASKA 1959 THE GREAT LAND 2008 E PLURIBUS UNUM
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 P 1 VF 1.04 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - Puerto Rico - Washington Quarter (2009) coin with KM# 446 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN GOD WE TRUST LIBERTY S QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - Puerto Rico - Washington Quarter (2009) coin with KM# 446 from United States. Inscription: PUERTO RICO Isla del Encanto E PLURIBUS UNUM 2009
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 D 86,000,000 1 VF 1.23 USD
obverse of 1/4 Dollar - U.S. Virgin Islands - Washington Quarter (2009) coin with KM# 449 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN GOD WE TRUST LIBERTY S QUARTER DOLLAR reverse of 1/4 Dollar - U.S. Virgin Islands - Washington Quarter (2009) coin with KM# 449 from United States. Inscription: U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS United in Pride and Hope E PLURIBUS UNUM 2009
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2009 D 41,000,000 1 XF 2.45 USD
2009 P 41,000,000 1 VG 0.31 USD
obverse of 1/2 Dollar - Bicentennial - Kennedy Half Dollar (1976) coin with KM# 205 from United States. Inscription: LIBERTY IN GOD WE TRUST 1776 - 1976 reverse of 1/2 Dollar - Bicentennial - Kennedy Half Dollar (1976) coin with KM# 205 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 200 YEARS OF REEDOM E PLURIBUS UNUM SGH INDEPENDENCE HALL HALF DOLLAR
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1976 D 287,565,248 1 XF 0.5 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - Native American - Hiawatha Belt - Sacagawea Dollar (2010) coin with KM# 474 from United States. Inscription: LIBERTY IN GOD WE TRUST reverse of 1 Dollar - Native American - Hiawatha Belt - Sacagawea Dollar (2010) coin with KM# 474 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA $1 HAUDENOSAUNEE GREAT LAW OF PEACE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2010 P 32,060,000 1 VF 1.15 USD
obverse of 1 Dollar - Herbert Hoover (2014) coin with KM# 573 from United States. Inscription: HERBERT HOOVER 31st PRESIDENT 1929 - 1933 IN GOD WE TRUST reverse of 1 Dollar - Herbert Hoover (2014) coin with KM# 573 from United States. Inscription: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA $1
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 D 3,780,000 1 VF 1 USD
Oriental Republic
obverse of 2 Centésimos (1943 - 1951) coin with KM# 20a from Uruguay. Inscription: REPÚBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY 1945 reverse of 2 Centésimos (1943 - 1951) coin with KM# 20a from Uruguay. Inscription: 2 CENTÉSIMOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1944 So 3,500,000 1 VF 0.95 USD
obverse of 2 Pesos Uruguayos (1994 - 2007) coin with KM# 104 from Uruguay. Inscription: REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL URUGUAY · reverse of 2 Pesos Uruguayos (1994 - 2007) coin with KM# 104 from Uruguay. Inscription: $2 DOS PESOS URUGUAYOS 1994
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2007 So 25,000,000 1 VG 0.09 USD
obverse of 10 Pesos Uruguayos (2000) coin with KM# 121 from Uruguay. Inscription: URUGUAY 1764 1850 JOSE ARTIGAS reverse of 10 Pesos Uruguayos (2000) coin with KM# 121 from Uruguay. Inscription:
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 1 VG 0.23 USD
City State
Vatican City
obverse of 20 Lire - John Paul II (1982) coin with KM# 162 from Vatican City. Inscription: IOANNES PAVLVS II P.M. AN.IV MCMLXXXII reverse of 20 Lire - John Paul II (1982) coin with KM# 162 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL	VATICANO L. 20
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1982 360,000 1 VG 0.12 USD
obverse of 50 Lire - Pius XII (1955 - 1958) coin with KM# 54 from Vatican City. Inscription: PIVS.XII P.M.AN.XVII reverse of 50 Lire - Pius XII (1955 - 1958) coin with KM# 54 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO L.50 1955 SPES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1958 1 F 0.48 USD
obverse of 50 Lire - John Paul II - Balance (1992) coin with KM# 238 from Vatican City. Inscription: IOANNES PAVLVS II P.M. AN. XIV MCMXIV reverse of 50 Lire - John Paul II - Balance (1992) coin with KM# 238 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA DEL VATICANO R L.50
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 1 F 0.25 USD
obverse of 20 Euro Cent - Sede Vacante (2005) coin with KM# 369 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO · SEDE · VACANTE · MMV · R D. LONGO M.A.C. INC. CARITAS ET VERITAS reverse of 20 Euro Cent - Sede Vacante (2005) coin with KM# 369 from Vatican City. Inscription: 20 EURO CENT LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2005 R 60,000 1 G 1.46 USD
obverse of 50 Euro Cent - Francis (2014 - 2015) coin with KM# 460 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITA' DEL VATICANO R 2015 LDS INC. O.ROSSI reverse of 50 Euro Cent - Francis (2014 - 2015) coin with KM# 460 from Vatican City. Inscription: 50 LL EURO CENT
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2014 R 1 VF 1.13 USD
obverse of 2 Euro - Benedict XVI - World Meeting of Families (2012) coin with KM# 435 from Vatican City. Inscription: CITTA' DEL VATICANO R 2012 G.TITOTTO VII INCONTRO MONDIALE DELLE FAMIGLIE reverse of 2 Euro - Benedict XVI - World Meeting of Families (2012) coin with KM# 435 from Vatican City. Inscription: 2 EURO LL
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2012 R 115,000 1 XF 13.73 USD
Bolivarian Republic
obverse of 5 Céntimos (1974 - 1977) coin with Y# 49 from Venezuela. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE VENEZUELA 1977 reverse of 5 Céntimos (1974 - 1977) coin with Y# 49 from Venezuela. Inscription: 5 CENTIMOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1974 200,000,000 1 VF 0.98 USD
obverse of 10 Céntimos (1971) coin with Y# A40 from Venezuela. Inscription: REPÚBLICA DE VENEZUELA 1971 reverse of 10 Céntimos (1971) coin with Y# A40 from Venezuela. Inscription: 10 CENTIMOS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1971 60,000,000 1 XF 0.1 USD
obverse of 50 Céntimos (1988 - 1990) coin with Y# 41a from Venezuela. Inscription: BOLIVAR LIBERTADOR BARRE reverse of 50 Céntimos (1988 - 1990) coin with Y# 41a from Venezuela. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE VENEZUELA · 50 CENTIMOS · 1988 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 80,000,000 1 VG 0.03 USD
obverse of 20 Bolívares (2001 - 2004) coin with Y# 81a from Venezuela. Inscription: BOLIVAR LIBERTADOR BARRE reverse of 20 Bolívares (2001 - 2004) coin with Y# 81a from Venezuela. Inscription: REPÚBLICA BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA 20 BOLIVARES · 2002 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2004 1 VF 0.13 USD
obverse of 100 Bolívares (1998 - 1999) coin with Y# 78 from Venezuela. Inscription: BOLIVAR LIBERTADOR BARRE reverse of 100 Bolívares (1998 - 1999) coin with Y# 78 from Venezuela. Inscription: REPUBLICA DE VENEZUELA 1999 100 BOLIVARES
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1999 1 VF 0.28 USD
North Vietnam
obverse of 2 Xu (1958) coin with KM# 6 from Vietnam. Inscription: NUOC VIỆT NAM DÂN CHỦ CỘNG HOÀ reverse of 2 Xu (1958) coin with KM# 6 from Vietnam. Inscription: NGÂN HÀNG QUỐC GIA VIỆT NAM 2 HAI XU 1958
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1958 1 F | 1 F 1.45 USD
obverse of 10 Rials (1995 - 2009) coin with KM# 27 from Yemen. reverse of 10 Rials (1995 - 2009) coin with KM# 27 from Yemen. Inscription: البنك المركزي اليمني
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1416 (1995) 1 F 0.34 USD
Socialist Federal Republic
obverse of 50 Para - Alexander I (1925) coin with KM# 4 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: АЛЕКСАИДАР I. КРАЉ СРБА, ХРВАТА И СЛОВЕНАЦА A. reverse of 50 Para - Alexander I (1925) coin with KM# 4 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 50 ПАРА 1925
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1925 1 XF 1.85 USD
obverse of 25 Para (1982 - 1983) coin with KM# 84 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 25 Para (1982 - 1983) coin with KM# 84 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 25 ПАРА · PARA · PAR · ПАРИ · 1982 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1982 185,316,000 1 G 0.01 USD
obverse of 100 Dinara (1985 - 1988) coin with KM# 114 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 100 Dinara (1985 - 1988) coin with KM# 114 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ДИНАРА · DINARA · DINARJEV · ДИНАРИ 100 · 1988 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1987 94,069,000 1 VG 0.05 USD
1988 50,294,000 1 XF 0.4 USD
obverse of 1 Ngwee (1982 - 1983) coin with KM# 9a from Zambia. Inscription: ZAMBIA 1983 reverse of 1 Ngwee (1982 - 1983) coin with KM# 9a from Zambia. Inscription: 1 ONE NGWEE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1983 60,000,000 1 VF 0.1 USD

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