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obverse of 2 Stotinki - Ferdinand I (1901 - 1912) coin with KM# 23 from Bulgaria. Inscription: БЪЛГАРИЯ * CЪEДИНЕНИЕТО ПРАВИ СИДАТ * reverse of 2 Stotinki - Ferdinand I (1901 - 1912) coin with KM# 23 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 2 CTOTИHKИ 1912
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1901 40,000,000 2 VF 1.9 USD
1912 40,000,000 2 VF 0.95 USD
obverse of 5 Stotinki - Aleksandr I (1881) coin with KM# 2 from Bulgaria. Inscription: БЪЛГАРИ СЪЕДИНЕНИЕ-ТО ПРАВИ СИЛА-ТА reverse of 5 Stotinki - Aleksandr I (1881) coin with KM# 2 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 5 СТОТИНКИ 1881 HEATON
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1881 10,000,000 1 F 1.95 USD
obverse of 10 Stotinki - Ferdinand I (1906 - 1913) coin with KM# 25 from Bulgaria. Inscription: * БЪЛГАРИЯ * СЪЕДИНЕНИЕТО ПРАВИ СИЛАТА reverse of 10 Stotinki - Ferdinand I (1906 - 1913) coin with KM# 25 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 10 СТОТИНКИ 1906
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1906 13,000,000 1 VF 0.9 USD
1912 13,000,000 1 VF 0.35 USD
1913 20,000,000 1 VF 0.35 USD
obverse of 20 Stotinki - Ferdinand I (1906 - 1913) coin with KM# 26 from Bulgaria. Inscription: БЪЛГАРИЯ СЪЕАИНЕНИЕТО ПРАВИ СИЛАТА reverse of 20 Stotinki - Ferdinand I (1906 - 1913) coin with KM# 26 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 20 CTOTИHKИ 1913
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1906 10,000,000 1 VF 1.5 USD
1912 10,000,000 1 VF 0.5 USD
1913 5,000,000 1 VF 1.5 USD
obverse of 50 Stotinki - Boris III (1937) coin with KM# 46 from Bulgaria. Inscription: БЪЛГАРИЯ ВЪ ЕДИНЕНИЕТО Е СИЛАТА reverse of 50 Stotinki - Boris III (1937) coin with KM# 46 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 50 СТОТИНКИ 1937
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1937 60,200,000 2 VF 0.5 USD
obverse of 1 Lev - Ferdinand I (1912 - 1916) coin with KM# 31 from Bulgaria. reverse of 1 Lev - Ferdinand I (1912 - 1916) coin with KM# 31 from Bulgaria.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1913 3,500,000 1 UNC 20.7 USD
obverse of 1 Lev - Boris III (1925) coin with KM# 37 from Bulgaria. Inscription: БЪЛГАРИЯ СЪЕДИНЕНИЕТО ПРАВИ СИЛАТА reverse of 1 Lev - Boris III (1925) coin with KM# 37 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 1 ЛЕВЪ 1925
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1925 2 VF 0.55 USD
obverse of 5 Leva - Boris III (1930) coin with KM# 39 from Bulgaria. Inscription: КРУМЪ 814 reverse of 5 Leva - Boris III (1930) coin with KM# 39 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 5 ЛЕВА 1930 БЪЛГАРИЯ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1930 20,001,000 2 VF 1.5 USD
obverse of 10 Leva - Boris III (1930) coin with KM# 40 from Bulgaria. Inscription: КРУМЪ 814 reverse of 10 Leva - Boris III (1930) coin with KM# 40 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 10 ЛЕВА 1930 БЪЛГАРИЯ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1930 15,001,000 2 VF 2.1 USD
obverse of 20 Leva - Boris III (1940) coin with KM# 47 from Bulgaria. Inscription: БОРИСЪ III ЦАРЬнаБЪЛГАРИТѢ · L · BERAN A reverse of 20 Leva - Boris III (1940) coin with KM# 47 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 20 ЛЕВА 1940
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1940 A 6,650,000 10 XF 2.3 USD
obverse of 50 Leva - Boris III (1940) coin with KM# 48 from Bulgaria. Inscription: БОРИСЪ III ЦАРЬнаБЪЛГАРИТѢ · L · BERAN A reverse of 50 Leva - Boris III (1940) coin with KM# 48 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 50 ЛЕВА 1940
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1940 A 12,340,000 10 XF 4 USD
obverse of 1 Stotinka - 1'st Coat of Arms (1962 - 1970) coin with KM# 59 from Bulgaria. Inscription: НАРОДНА РЕПУБЛИКА 9 IX 1944 * БЪЛГАРИЯ * reverse of 1 Stotinka - 1'st Coat of Arms (1962 - 1970) coin with KM# 59 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 1 СТОТИНКА 1962
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1962 1 VF 0.05 USD
obverse of 2 Stotinki - 1'st Coat of Arms (1962) coin with KM# 60 from Bulgaria. Inscription: НАРОДНА РЕПУБЛИКА БЪЛГАРИЯ reverse of 2 Stotinki - 1'st Coat of Arms (1962) coin with KM# 60 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 2 CTOTИHKИ 1962
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1962 1 VF 0.05 USD
obverse of 5 Stotinki - 1'st Coat of Arms (1962) coin with KM# 61 from Bulgaria. Inscription: НАРОДНА РЕПУБЛИКА * БЪЛГАРИЯ * reverse of 5 Stotinki - 1'st Coat of Arms (1962) coin with KM# 61 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 5 СТОТИНКИ 1962
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1962 1 VF 0.1 USD
obverse of 5 Stotinki - 2'nd Coat of Arms (1974 - 1990) coin with KM# 86 from Bulgaria. Inscription: НАРОДНА РЕПУБЛИКА БЪЛГАРИЯ 681 1944 reverse of 5 Stotinki - 2'nd Coat of Arms (1974 - 1990) coin with KM# 86 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 5 СТОТИНКИ 1989
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1974 1 VF 0.1 USD
obverse of 20 Stotinki - 2'nd Coat of Arms (1974 - 1990) coin with KM# 88 from Bulgaria. Inscription: НАРОДНА РЕПУБЛИКА БЪЛГАРИЯ 681 1944 reverse of 20 Stotinki - 2'nd Coat of Arms (1974 - 1990) coin with KM# 88 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 20 СТОТИНКИ 1990
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1974 1 VF 0.2 USD
obverse of 50 Stotinki - 2'nd Coat of Arms (1974 - 1990) coin with KM# 89 from Bulgaria. reverse of 50 Stotinki - 2'nd Coat of Arms (1974 - 1990) coin with KM# 89 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 50 стотинки 1990
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1974 1 VF 0.4 USD
obverse of 1 Lev (1992) coin with KM# 202 from Bulgaria. Inscription: РЕПУБЛИКА БЪЛГАРИЯ reverse of 1 Lev (1992) coin with KM# 202 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 1 ЛЕВ 1992
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 1 XF 0.38 USD
obverse of 2 Leva (1992) coin with KM# 203 from Bulgaria. Inscription: РЕПУБЛИКА · БЪЛГАРИЯ · reverse of 2 Leva (1992) coin with KM# 203 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 2 ЛЕВА 1992
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 1 XF 0.58 USD
obverse of 5 Leva (1992) coin with KM# 204 from Bulgaria. Inscription: РЕПУБЛИКА БЪЛГАРИЯ reverse of 5 Leva (1992) coin with KM# 204 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 5 ЛЕВА 1992
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 1 XF 0.85 USD
obverse of 10 Leva (1992) coin with KM# 205 from Bulgaria. Inscription: РЕПУБДИКА БЬЛГАРИЯ reverse of 10 Leva (1992) coin with KM# 205 from Bulgaria. Inscription: 10 ЛЕВА 1992
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 1 XF 1.15 USD
North Macedonia
obverse of 50 Deni (1993) coin with KM# 1 from North Macedonia. Inscription: РЕПУБΛИКА МАКЕДОНИЈА 1993 reverse of 50 Deni (1993) coin with KM# 1 from North Macedonia. Inscription: 50 ДЕНИ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 11,051,000 5 VF | 5 XF 0.3 USD
obverse of 1 Denar (1993 - 2016) coin with KM# 2 from North Macedonia. Inscription: РЕПУБЛИКА МАКЕДОНИЈА 1993 reverse of 1 Denar (1993 - 2016) coin with KM# 2 from North Macedonia. Inscription: 1 ДЕНАР
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 21,040,000 3 VF 0.2 USD
1997 11,200,000 3 VF 0.2 USD
2001 12,874,000 3 VF 0.2 USD
2006 3 XF 0.58 USD
2008 3 XF 0.58 USD
2014 3 XF 0.58 USD
2016 3 XF 0.58 USD
obverse of 1 Denar - 2000 Years of Christianity (2000) coin with KM# 27 from North Macedonia. Inscription: NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA 2000 reverse of 1 Denar - 2000 Years of Christianity (2000) coin with KM# 27 from North Macedonia. Inscription: 1 ДЕНАР
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 10 VF | 5 XF 6.25 USD
obverse of 1 Denar - 2000th Anniversary of Christianity (2000) coin with KM# 9 from North Macedonia. Inscription: НАРОДНА БАНКА НА РЕПУБЛИКА МАКЕДОНИЈА ДЕНАР 1 DENAR reverse of 1 Denar - 2000th Anniversary of Christianity (2000) coin with KM# 9 from North Macedonia. Inscription: NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA 2000
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 2,000 279 VF | 38 XF | 7 UNC 11.4 USD
obverse of 2 Denari (1993 - 2014) coin with KM# 3 from North Macedonia. Inscription: РЕПУБЛИКА МАКЕДОНИJА 2006 reverse of 2 Denari (1993 - 2014) coin with KM# 3 from North Macedonia. Inscription: 2 ДЕНАРИ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 8,998,000 2 VF 0.25 USD
2001 11,672,000 2 VF 0.25 USD
2006 2 VF 0.25 USD
2008 3 XF 0.5 USD
obverse of 2 Denari - FAO (1995) coin with KM# 6 from North Macedonia. Inscription: РЕПУБЛИКА МАКЕДОНИЈА 1995 REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA reverse of 2 Denari - FAO (1995) coin with KM# 6 from North Macedonia. Inscription: ЛЕБ ЗА СИТЕ FIAT PANIS F A O FIAT PANIS 1945-1995 ДЕНАРИ 2 DENARS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 2,637,500 10 VF 0.47 USD
obverse of 5 Denari (1993 - 2008) coin with KM# 4 from North Macedonia. Inscription: . РЕПУБЛИКА МАКЕДОНИJА . 1993 reverse of 5 Denari (1993 - 2008) coin with KM# 4 from North Macedonia. Inscription: 5 ДЕНАРИ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1993 12,330,000 2 VF 0.35 USD
2001 6,921,000 2 VF 0.25 USD
2006 2 VF 0.25 USD
2008 3 XF 0.5 USD
obverse of 5 Denari - 50th Anniversary of FAO - Brass (1995) coin with KM# 7 from North Macedonia. Inscription: РЕПУБЛИКА МАКЕДОНИЈА 1995 REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA reverse of 5 Denari - 50th Anniversary of FAO - Brass (1995) coin with KM# 7 from North Macedonia. Inscription: ЛЕБ ЗА СИТЕ FIAT PANIS F A O FIAT PANIS 1945-1995 5 ДЕНАРИ DENARS
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1995 3,123,000 10 VF | 2 XF 0.47 USD
obverse of 10 Denari (2008) coin with KM# 31 from North Macedonia. Inscription: РЕПУБЛИКА МАКЕДОНИЈА 2008 reverse of 10 Denari (2008) coin with KM# 31 from North Macedonia. Inscription: 10 ДЕНАРИ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 3 UNC 2 USD
obverse of 50 Denari (2008) coin with KM# 32 from North Macedonia. Inscription: РЕПУБЛИА МАКЕДОНИЈА 2008 reverse of 50 Denari (2008) coin with KM# 32 from North Macedonia. Inscription: 50 ДЕНАРИ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2008 3 XF 0.95 USD
obverse of 1/2 Kopek - Nicholas II (1894 - 1916) coin with Y# 48 from Russia. Inscription: Н II reverse of 1/2 Kopek - Nicholas II (1894 - 1916) coin with Y# 48 from Russia. Inscription: 1 - 2 КОПѢЙКИ 1896
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1898 СПБ 76,000,000 2 F 3.95 USD
1899 СПБ 76,000,000 1 VG 1.98 USD
1908 СПБ 8,000,000 1 VG 4.45 USD
1909 СПБ 49,500,000 2 F 4.95 USD
1912 СПБ 28,000,000 1 VG 2.98 USD
1913 СПБ 50,000,000 2 F 2.95 USD
obverse of 1 Kopek - Paul I (1797 - 1801) coin with C# 94 from Russia. Inscription: П I reverse of 1 Kopek - Paul I (1797 - 1801) coin with C# 94 from Russia. Inscription: 1. КОПЕЙКА 1797 Е.M
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1800 EM 90,493,000 1 F 12 USD
obverse of 1 Kopek - Nicholas I (1839 - 1847) coin with C# 144 from Russia. reverse of 1 Kopek - Nicholas I (1839 - 1847) coin with C# 144 from Russia. Inscription: 1 1840
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1840 EM 20,778,000 1 F Unknown
1841 EM 19,341,000 1 F Unknown
obverse of 1 Kopek - Alexander II / Nicholas II (1867 - 1917) coin with Y# 9 from Russia. Inscription: МѢДНАЯ РОССІЙСКАЯ МОНЕТА ОДНА КОПѢЙКА reverse of 1 Kopek - Alexander II / Nicholas II (1867 - 1917) coin with Y# 9 from Russia. Inscription: 1909 ГОДА *1* КОПѢЙКА С.П.Б.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1896 СПБ 22,960,000 1 F 4.8 USD
1897 СПБ 30,000,000 1 F 2.9 USD
1898 СПБ 50,000,000 1 F 2.9 USD
1899 СПБ 50,000,000 1 VF 4.8 USD
1900 СПБ 30,000,000 1 F 2.9 USD
1901 СПБ 30,000,000 1 F 2.9 USD
1903 СПБ 74,400,000 2 F | 1 VF 3.85 USD
1905 СПБ 23,000,000 1 F 2.9 USD
1906 СПБ 20,000,000 1 F 2.9 USD
1908 СПБ 40,000,000 2 VF 3.85 USD
1910 СПБ 36,500,000 1 VF 3.85 USD
1911 СПБ 38,150,000 2 F 2.9 USD
1913 СПБ 61,500,000 1 VF 3.85 USD
1914 СПБ 32,500,000 1 F 2.9 USD
1915 58,000,000 1 F 2.9 USD
obverse of 2 Kopeks - Elizabeth - Denomination under horseman (1757 - 1762) coin with C# 7 from Russia. Inscription: ДВЕ КОПЕИКИ reverse of 2 Kopeks - Elizabeth - Denomination under horseman (1757 - 1762) coin with C# 7 from Russia.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1757 8 VG Unknown
1758 6 VG Unknown
obverse of 2 Kopeks - Catherine II (1763 - 1796) coin with C# 58 from Russia. Inscription: 17 65 reverse of 2 Kopeks - Catherine II (1763 - 1796) coin with C# 58 from Russia. Inscription: E M ДВЕ КОПЕЙКИ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1772 EM 2,433,000 1 VG 10 USD
obverse of 2 Kopeks - Alexander I (1810 - 1830) coin with C# 118 from Russia. Inscription: ИК 1828 reverse of 2 Kopeks - Alexander I (1810 - 1830) coin with C# 118 from Russia. Inscription: 2 КОПѢЙ КИ. Е.М. C.П.Б.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1812 НМ 1 F 8.8 USD
1815 НМ 44,970,000 1 VG 4.9 USD
1817 НМ 75,000,000 1 F 8.8 USD
1820 HM 75,180,000 1 VG Unknown
obverse of 2 Kopeks - Alexander II / Nicholas II (1867 - 1917) coin with Y# 10 from Russia. Inscription: МѢДНАЯ РОССІЙСКАЯ МОНЕТА ДВЕ КОПѢЙКИ reverse of 2 Kopeks - Alexander II / Nicholas II (1867 - 1917) coin with Y# 10 from Russia. Inscription: 1915 ГОДА *2* КОПѢЙКИ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1896 СПБ 14,675,000 1 F 5.05 USD
1899 СПБ 17,500,000 1 F 4.05 USD
1901 СПБ 1 F 4.05 USD
1903 СПБ 1 F 4.05 USD
1908 СПБ 1 VG 2.03 USD
1912 СПБ 1 VF 6.05 USD
1914 СПБ 1 F 4.05 USD
obverse of 10 Kopeks - Aleksandr II / Aleksandr III / Nikolai II (1867 - 1917) coin with Y# 20a from Russia. reverse of 10 Kopeks - Aleksandr II / Aleksandr III / Nikolai II (1867 - 1917) coin with Y# 20a from Russia. Inscription: *10* КОПѢЕКЪ 1915
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1914 ВС 51,250,000 1 VF 6.05 USD
obverse of 15 Kopeks - Alexander II / Nicholas II (1867 - 1917) coin with Y# 21a from Russia. reverse of 15 Kopeks - Alexander II / Nicholas II (1867 - 1917) coin with Y# 21a from Russia. Inscription: * 15 * КОПѢЕКЪ 1916
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1907 ЭБ 30,000,000 1 VF 6.95 USD
obverse of 20 Kopeks - Aleksandr II / Nikolai II (1867 - 1917) coin with Y# 22a from Russia. reverse of 20 Kopeks - Aleksandr II / Nikolai II (1867 - 1917) coin with Y# 22a from Russia. Inscription: * 20 * КОПѢЕКЪ 1883 С.П.Б.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1878 НФ 1 F 5 USD
1913 ВС 4,250,000 1 XF 20 USD
obverse of 2 Pare - Peter I (1904) coin with KM# 23 from Serbia. reverse of 2 Pare - Peter I (1904) coin with KM# 23 from Serbia. Inscription: КРАЉЕВИНА СРБИЈА 1904 2 *ПАРЕ*
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1904 12,500,000 1 F 2 USD
obverse of 10 Para - Milan I / Alexander I / Peter I (1883 - 1917) coin with KM# 19 from Serbia. reverse of 10 Para - Milan I / Alexander I / Peter I (1883 - 1917) coin with KM# 19 from Serbia. Inscription: КРАЉЕВИНА СРБИЈА 1912 10 ПАРА
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1912 7,700,032 1 VF 1.5 USD
obverse of 20 Para - Milan I / Alexander I / Peter I (1883 - 1917) coin with KM# 20 from Serbia. reverse of 20 Para - Milan I / Alexander I / Peter I (1883 - 1917) coin with KM# 20 from Serbia. Inscription: КРАЉЕВИНА СРБИЈА 1883 20 ПАРА
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1912 5,650,035 1 VF 2 USD
obverse of 50 Para - Peter I (1904 - 1915) coin with KM# 24 from Serbia. Inscription: ПЕТАР I. КРАЉ СРБИЈЕ SCHWARTZ reverse of 50 Para - Peter I (1904 - 1915) coin with KM# 24 from Serbia. Inscription: 50 ПАРА 1915
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1915 A 12,137,928 3 XF 4.8 USD
obverse of 1 Dinar - Petar I (1904 - 1915) coin with KM# 25 from Serbia. Inscription: ПЕТАР I. КРАЉ СРБИЈЕ SCHWARTZ reverse of 1 Dinar - Petar I (1904 - 1915) coin with KM# 25 from Serbia. Inscription: 1 ДИНАР 1912
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1904 2,000,086 KM#25.1 (medal alignment) 1 VF 9 USD
1912 8,000,000 KM#25.1 (medal alignment) 2 XF 10 USD
1915 KM#25.3 (coin alignment) 2 XF 3.18 USD
obverse of 10 Dinara (1943) coin with KM# 33 from Serbia. Inscription: СРБИJА reverse of 10 Dinara (1943) coin with KM# 33 from Serbia. Inscription: 10 ДИНАРА 1943
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1943 BP 50,000,000 1 VF 2.4 USD
obverse of 1 Dinar (2003 - 2005) coin with KM# 34 from Serbia. Inscription: .НАРОДНА БНАКА СРБИЈЕ. NARODNA BANKA SRBIJE reverse of 1 Dinar (2003 - 2005) coin with KM# 34 from Serbia. Inscription: 1 ДИАНР.DINAR 2003
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 10,320,000 1 XF 0.25 USD
obverse of 2 Dinara (2003) coin with KM# 35 from Serbia. Inscription: НАРОДНА БАНКА СРБИЈЕ NARODNA BANKA SRBIJE reverse of 2 Dinara (2003) coin with KM# 35 from Serbia. Inscription: Грачаница ДИНАРА.DINARA 2 2003
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 4,688,000 1 XF 0.5 USD
obverse of 5 Dinara (2003) coin with KM# 36 from Serbia. Inscription: NARODNA BANKA SRBIJE-НАРОДНА БАНКА СРБИЈЕ reverse of 5 Dinara (2003) coin with KM# 36 from Serbia. Inscription: DINARA-ДИНАРА 5 KРУШЕДОЛ 2003
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 15,170,000 1 XF 0.95 USD
obverse of 10 Dinara (2003) coin with KM# 37 from Serbia. Inscription: НАРОДНА БАНКА СРБИJЕ NARODNA BANKA SRBIJE reverse of 10 Dinara (2003) coin with KM# 37 from Serbia. Inscription: 10 ДИНАРА · DINARA 2003
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 10,160,500 1 XF 0.95 USD
obverse of 20 Dinara (2003) coin with KM# 38 from Serbia. Inscription: НАРОДНА БАНКА СРБИЈЕ NARODNA BANKA SRBIJE reverse of 20 Dinara (2003) coin with KM# 38 from Serbia. Inscription: 20 ДИНАРА . DINARA 2003 XPAM CB.CABE
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2003 25,491,500 1 XF 0.75 USD
State Union of Serbia and Montenegro
obverse of 10 Para - Peter I (1920) coin with KM# 2 from Yugoslavia. reverse of 10 Para - Peter I (1920) coin with KM# 2 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 10 ПАРА PARA 1920
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1920 58,946,122 1 VF 3.55 USD
obverse of 25 Para - Peter I (1920) coin with KM# 3 from Yugoslavia. reverse of 25 Para - Peter I (1920) coin with KM# 3 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ПАРА PARA 25 1920
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1920 48,173,138 10 VF 3.2 USD
obverse of 25 Para - Petar II (1938) coin with KM# 17 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: КРАЉЕВИНА · ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА reverse of 25 Para - Petar II (1938) coin with KM# 17 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 25 PARA 1938
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1938 40,000,000 8 VF 2.45 USD
obverse of 50 Para - Alexander I (1925) coin with KM# 4 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: АЛЕКСАИДАР I. КРАЉ СРБА, ХРВАТА И СЛОВЕНАЦА A. reverse of 50 Para - Alexander I (1925) coin with KM# 4 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 50 ПАРА 1925
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1925 3 VF 0.9 USD
obverse of 50 Para - Peter II (1938) coin with KM# 18 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: КРАЉЕВИНА ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА reverse of 50 Para - Peter II (1938) coin with KM# 18 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 50 PARA 1938
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1938 100,000,000 2 VF | 2 XF 2.45 USD
obverse of 1 Dinar - Alexander I (1925) coin with KM# 5 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: АЛЕКСАНДАР I. КРАЉ СРБА, ХРВАТА И СЛОВЕНАЦА A. reverse of 1 Dinar - Alexander I (1925) coin with KM# 5 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 1 ДИНАР 1925
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1925 5 VF 0.95 USD
obverse of 1 Dinar - Peter II (1938) coin with KM# 19 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: КРАЉЕВИНА ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА reverse of 1 Dinar - Peter II (1938) coin with KM# 19 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 1 DINAR 1938
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1938 100,000,000 10 VF 0.75 USD
obverse of 2 Dinara - Alexander I (1925) coin with KM# 6 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: АЛЕКСАНДАР I. КРАЉ СРБА, ХРВАТА И СЛОВЕНАЦА A. reverse of 2 Dinara - Alexander I (1925) coin with KM# 6 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 2 ДИНАРА 1925
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1925 10 VF 1.9 USD
obverse of 2 Dinara - Peter II - Large crown (1938) coin with KM# 20 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: КРАЉЕВИНА ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА reverse of 2 Dinara - Peter II - Large crown (1938) coin with KM# 20 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 2 DINARA 1938
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1938 74,250,000 2 XF 3.45 USD
obverse of 10 Dinara - Alexander I (1931) coin with KM# 10 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ALEKSANDAR I. KRALJ JUGOSLAVIJE reverse of 10 Dinara - Alexander I (1931) coin with KM# 10 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 19 31 10 DINARA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1931 P 4,000,000 Paris mint, with mint mark 1 VF 8.75 USD
obverse of 10 Dinara - Peter II (1938) coin with KM# 22 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: КРАЉЕВИНА JУГОСЛАВИJА Ф.АИНЧИЋ reverse of 10 Dinara - Peter II (1938) coin with KM# 22 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 10 DINARA 1938
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1938 25,000,000 8 XF 1.85 USD
obverse of 50 Dinara - Petar II (1938) coin with KM# 24 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ПЕТАР II КРАЉ ЈУГОСЛАВНЈЕ reverse of 50 Dinara - Petar II (1938) coin with KM# 24 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 1938 50 ДИНАРА
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1938 10,000,000 2 VF 12.7 USD
obverse of 5 Para (1965) coin with KM# 42 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: COЦИЈAЛИCTИЧKA ФЕДЕРАТИВНА РЕПУБЛИКА JУГОСЛАВИJА reverse of 5 Para (1965) coin with KM# 42 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 5 PARA 1965
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1965 23,839,900 2 VF 0.1 USD
obverse of 50 Para (1953) coin with KM# 29 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: FEDERATIVNA NARODNA REPUBLIKA JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 50 Para (1953) coin with KM# 29 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 50 ПАРА 19 53
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1953 1 VF 0.05 USD
obverse of 1 Dinar - FNR legend (1953) coin with KM# 30 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ФЕДЕРАТИВHА НАРОДНА РЕПУБЛИКА JУГОСЛАВИJА<br reverse of 1 Dinar - FNR legend (1953) coin with KM# 30 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 1 DINAR 1953
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1953 2 XF 0.15 USD
obverse of 1 Dinar - SFR legend (1963) coin with KM# 36 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: COЦИЈAЛИCTИЧKA ФЕДЕРАТИВHА РЕПУБЛИКА JУГОСЛАВИJА reverse of 1 Dinar - SFR legend (1963) coin with KM# 36 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 1 DINAR 1963
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1963 2 XF 0.1 USD
obverse of 2 Dinara (1945) coin with KM# 27 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: JУГОСЛАВИJА 29-XI-1943 reverse of 2 Dinara (1945) coin with KM# 27 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 2 DINARA 1945
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1945 70,000,000 3 VF 1.15 USD
obverse of 2 Dinara - FNR legend (1953) coin with KM# 31 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: FEDERATIVNA NARODNA REPUBLIKA JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 2 Dinara - FNR legend (1953) coin with KM# 31 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 2 ДИНАРА 1953
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1953 2 VF 0.1 USD
obverse of 5 Dinara - FNR legend (1953) coin with KM# 32 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ФЕДЕРАТИВHА НАРОДНА РЕПУБЛИКА JУГОСЛАВИJА<br reverse of 5 Dinara - FNR legend (1953) coin with KM# 32 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 5 DINARA 1953
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1953 2 VF 0.25 USD
obverse of 5 Dinara - SFR legend (1963) coin with KM# 38 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: COЦИЈAЛИCTИЧKA ФЕДЕРАТИВHА РЕПУБЛИКА JУГОСЛАВИJА reverse of 5 Dinara - SFR legend (1963) coin with KM# 38 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 1963 5 DINARA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1963 1 VF 0.2 USD
obverse of 10 Dinara - FNR legend (1955) coin with KM# 33 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: FEDERATIVNA NARODNA REPUBLIKA JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 10 Dinara - FNR legend (1955) coin with KM# 33 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 10 ДИНАРА 1955 DINCIC F.M
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1955 2 VF | 1 XF 0.7 USD
obverse of 10 Dinara - SFR legend (1963) coin with KM# 39 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: SOCIJALISTIČKA FEDERATIVNA REPUBLIKA JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 10 Dinara - SFR legend (1963) coin with KM# 39 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 10 ДИНАРА 1963
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1963 2 VF 0.3 USD
obverse of 20 Dinara - FNR legend (1955) coin with KM# 34 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ФЕДЕРАТИВHА НАРОДНА РЕПУБЛИКА JУГОСЛАВИJА<br reverse of 20 Dinara - FNR legend (1955) coin with KM# 34 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 20 DINARA 1955 DINCIC M.F
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1955 1 VF 0.45 USD
obverse of 50 Dinara - FNR legend (1955) coin with KM# 35 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: FEDERATIVNA NARODNA REPUBLIKA JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 50 Dinara - FNR legend (1955) coin with KM# 35 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 50 ДИНАРА 1955 DINCIC M.F
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1955 2 VF 0.75 USD
obverse of 5 Para (1965 - 1981) coin with KM# 43 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 5 Para (1965 - 1981) coin with KM# 43 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 5 ПАРА · PARA PAR · ПАРИ 1976
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1965 16,200,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
1974 3,628,000 1 VF 0.05 USD
1975 20,272,000 2 VF 0.05 USD
1976 30,490,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
1977 10,270,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
1978 12,000,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
1979 20,414,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
1980 22,412,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
obverse of 10 Para (1965 - 1981) coin with KM# 44 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА 29 · XI · 1943 SFR JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 10 Para (1965 - 1981) coin with KM# 44 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ПАРА · PARA 19 10 65 PAR · ПАРИ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1965 15,400,000 2 VF 0.05 USD
1973 15,147,000 1 VF 0.05 USD
1974 60,139,000 2 VF 0.05 USD
1975 36,139,000 2 VF 0.05 USD
1976 36,111,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
1977 40,451,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
1978 3 XF 0.1 USD
1979 89,738,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
1980 90,111,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
1981 14,090,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
obverse of 20 Para (1965 - 1981) coin with KM# 45 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА 29 · XI · 1943 SFR JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 20 Para (1965 - 1981) coin with KM# 45 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ПАРА · PARA 19 20 77 PAR · ПАРИ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1965 2 VF 0.05 USD
1973 30,448,000 1 VF 0.05 USD
1975 44,683,000 1 XF 0.1 USD
1976 33,312,000 1 VF 0.05 USD
1977 40,782,000 2 VF 0.05 USD
1978 39,999,000 2 VF 0.05 USD
1979 49,121,000 2 VF 0.05 USD
1980 73,757,000 2 VF 0.05 USD
1981 96,144,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
obverse of 25 Para (1982 - 1983) coin with KM# 84 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 25 Para (1982 - 1983) coin with KM# 84 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 25 ПАРА · PARA · PAR · ПАРИ · 1982 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1982 185,316,000 2 VF 0.05 USD
obverse of 50 Para (1965 - 1981) coin with KM# 46 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА 29 · XI · 1943 SFR JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 50 Para (1965 - 1981) coin with KM# 46 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ПАРА · PARA 19 50 78 PAR · ПАРИ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1965 2 VF 0.1 USD
1973 23,739,000 2 VF 0.1 USD
1975 10,220,000 2 VF 0.1 USD
1977 17,864,000 2 XF 0.2 USD
1978 2 XF 0.2 USD
1979 4 VF 0.5 USD
1980 24,974,000 2 VF 0.1 USD
1981 40,319,000 1 XF 0.2 USD
obverse of 50 Para (1982 - 1984) coin with KM# 85 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 50 Para (1982 - 1984) coin with KM# 85 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 50 ПАРА · PARA · PAR · ПАРИ · 1983
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1982 79,584,000 2 VF 0.05 USD
1983 72,100,000 2 VF 0.05 USD
obverse of 1 Dinar (1965) coin with KM# 47 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СОЦИJАЛИСТИЧКА ФЕДЕРАТИВНА РЕПУБЛИКА JУГi reverse of 1 Dinar (1965) coin with KM# 47 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 1 DINAR 1965
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1965 75,822,000 2 VF 0.15 USD
obverse of 1 Dinar (1968) coin with KM# 48 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 1 Dinar (1968) coin with KM# 48 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 1 ДИНАР DINAR 1968
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1968 35,497,000 2 VF 0.2 USD
obverse of 1 Dinar (1973 - 1981) coin with KM# 59 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА 29 · XI · 1943 SFR JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 1 Dinar (1973 - 1981) coin with KM# 59 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: · ДИНАР · DINAR · ДИНАР · DINAR · 1 1975
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1973 18,974,000 2 VF 0.1 USD
1974 42,724,000 2 VF 0.1 USD
1975 30,260,000 1 XF | 1 UNC 0.35 USD
1976 21,849,000 2 UNC 0.35 USD
1978 35,032,000 2 UNC 0.35 USD
1979 39,844,000 2 XF 0.15 USD
1980 60,630,000 2 VF 0.1 USD
1981 56,650,000 2 XF 0.15 USD
obverse of 1 Dinar (1982 - 1986) coin with KM# 86 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА 29 · XI · 1943 SFR JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 1 Dinar (1982 - 1986) coin with KM# 86 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: · ДИНАР · DINAR · ДИНАР · DINAR · 1 1984
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1982 70,105,000 2 VF 0.05 USD
1983 114,180,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
1984 172,185,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
1985 64,436,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
1986 122,643,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
obverse of 2 Dinara (1971 - 1981) coin with KM# 57 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 2 Dinara (1971 - 1981) coin with KM# 57 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ДИНАРА DINARA DINARJA ДИНАРИ 2 1973
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1971 10,413,000 2 VF 0.1 USD
1972 18,446,000 2 VF 0.1 USD
1973 31,848,000 1 VF 0.1 USD
1974 10,989,000 2 VF 0.1 USD
1976 6,092,000 2 VF 0.1 USD
1977 19,335,000 2 VF 0.1 USD
1978 13,035,000 2 VF 0.1 USD
1979 20,069,000 1 XF | 1 UNC 0.4 USD
1980 36,088,000 2 XF 0.2 USD
1981 42,599,000 2 VF 0.1 USD
obverse of 2 Dinara (1982 - 1986) coin with KM# 87 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 2 Dinara (1982 - 1986) coin with KM# 87 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 2 ДИНАРА · DINARA · DINARJA · ДИНАРИ · 1984
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1982 40,632,000 2 VF 0.1 USD
1983 35,468,000 2 XF 0.15 USD
1984 51,500,000 2 XF 0.15 USD
1985 81,100,000 2 XF 0.15 USD
1986 50,453,000 2 XF 0.15 USD
obverse of 5 Dinara (1971 - 1981) coin with KM# 58 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 5 Dinara (1971 - 1981) coin with KM# 58 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 5 ДИНАРА · DINARA · DINARJEV · ДИНAРИ · 1981 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1972 2 VF 0.2 USD
1973 12,705,000 2 VF 0.6 USD
1974 6,054,000 2 VF 1 USD
1975 13,533,000 2 VF 0.35 USD
1976 4,965,383 2 VF 0.4 USD
1978 1,000,000 2 VF 0.5 USD
1979 3,000,000 1 VF 0.4 USD
1980 9,977,000 2 VF 0.35 USD
1981 15,450,000 2 VF 0.35 USD
obverse of 5 Dinara (1982 - 1986) coin with KM# 88 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 5 Dinara (1982 - 1986) coin with KM# 88 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ДИНАРА DINARA DINARJEV ДИНАРИ 5 1985
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1982 40,956,000 2 VF 0.1 USD
1983 40,156,000 2 VF 0.1 USD
1984 33,023,000 2 XF 0.15 USD
1985 94,422,000 2 XF 0.15 USD
1986 37,199,000 2 XF 0.15 USD
obverse of 10 Dinara (1976 - 1981) coin with KM# 62 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 10 Dinara (1976 - 1981) coin with KM# 62 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 10 ДИНАРА · DINARA · DINARJEV · ДИНAРИ · 1980
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1976 10,549,500 2 VF 0.55 USD
1978 29,834,000 2 VF 0.55 USD
1980 10,139,000 1 VF 0.55 USD
1981 20,166,000 2 VF 0.55 USD
obverse of 10 Dinara (1982 - 1988) coin with KM# 89 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 10 Dinara (1982 - 1988) coin with KM# 89 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 10 ДИНАРА · DINARA · DINARJEV · ДИНАРИ · 1983
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1982 8,862,000 2 VF 0.1 USD
1983 42,400,000 2 XF 0.2 USD
1984 30,900,000 2 XF 0.2 USD
1985 31,647,000 1 VF 0.1 USD
1986 40,739,000 2 XF 0.2 USD
1987 104,988,000 2 XF 0.2 USD
1988 27,614,000 2 XF 0.2 USD
obverse of 10 Dinara (1988 - 1989) coin with KM# 131 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 1988 reverse of 10 Dinara (1988 - 1989) coin with KM# 131 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 10 DINARA ДИНАРИ ДИНАРА DINARJEV
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 35,992,000 1 XF 0.1 USD
1989 75,000,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
obverse of 20 Dinara (1985 - 1987) coin with KM# 112 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 20 Dinara (1985 - 1987) coin with KM# 112 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 20 ДИНАРА DINARA DINARJEV ДИНАРИ 1985
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1985 5,000,000 1 VF 0.1 USD
1986 20,235,000 2 XF 0.15 USD
1987 39,514,000 2 XF 0.15 USD
obverse of 20 Dinara (1988 - 1989) coin with KM# 132 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 1989 reverse of 20 Dinara (1988 - 1989) coin with KM# 132 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 20 DINARA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 29,775,000 1 VF 0.05 USD
obverse of 50 Dinara (1985 - 1988) coin with KM# 113 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 50 Dinara (1985 - 1988) coin with KM# 113 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ДИНАРА DINARA DINARJEV ДИНАРИ 50 1988
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1985 25,488,000 2 XF 0.25 USD
1986 20,353,000 1 XF 0.25 USD
1987 21,792,000 1 XF 0.25 USD
1988 28,370,000 2 XF 0.25 USD
obverse of 50 Dinara (1988 - 1989) coin with KM# 133 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 1988 reverse of 50 Dinara (1988 - 1989) coin with KM# 133 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 50 ДИНАРА DINARA DINARJEV ДИНАРИ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 46,973,000 1 XF 0.1 USD
obverse of 100 Dinara (1985 - 1988) coin with KM# 114 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 100 Dinara (1985 - 1988) coin with KM# 114 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ДИНАРА · DINARA · DINARJEV · ДИНАРИ 100 · 1988 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1985 18,684,000 2 VF 0.25 USD
1986 17,905,000 2 VF 0.2 USD
1987 94,069,000 2 XF 0.4 USD
1988 50,294,000 2 XF 0.4 USD
obverse of 100 Dinara (1988 - 1989) coin with KM# 134 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 1989 reverse of 100 Dinara (1988 - 1989) coin with KM# 134 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 100 ДИНАРА DINARA DINARJEV ДИНАРИ
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1988 12,610,000 2 VF 0.08 USD
1989 124,260,000 2 XF 0.15 USD
obverse of 10 Para (1990 - 1991) coin with KM# 139 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 10 Para (1990 - 1991) coin with KM# 139 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 10 ПАРА · PARA · PAR · ПАРИ · 1990
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 174,028,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
1991 60,828,000 1 VF 0.08 USD
obverse of 20 Para (1990 - 1991) coin with KM# 140 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 20 Para (1990 - 1991) coin with KM# 140 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ПАРА · PARA · PAR · ПАРИ 20 · 1990 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 174,028,500 2 XF 0.2 USD
obverse of 50 Para (1990 - 1991) coin with KM# 141 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 50 Para (1990 - 1991) coin with KM# 141 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 50 ПАРА · PARA · PAR · ПАРИ · 1990
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 137,873,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
1991 42,152,000 2 XF 0.4 USD
obverse of 1 Dinar (1990 - 1991) coin with KM# 142 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР JУГОСЛАВИJА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA 29 · XI · 1943 reverse of 1 Dinar (1990 - 1991) coin with KM# 142 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ДИНАР · DINAR · DINAR · ДИНАР 1 · 1990 ·
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 172,105,000 2 XF 0.1 USD
1991 79,549,000 2 XF 0.25 USD
obverse of 2 Dinara (1990 - 1992) coin with KM# 143 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА SFR JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 2 Dinara (1990 - 1992) coin with KM# 143 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ДИНАРА · DINARA · DINARJA · ДИНАРИ 2 1990
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 15,936,000 2 XF 0.6 USD
1991 32,836,000 1 XF 0.4 USD
obverse of 5 Dinara (1990 - 1992) coin with KM# 144 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СФР ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА 29 · XI · 1943 SFR JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 5 Dinara (1990 - 1992) coin with KM# 144 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: · ДИНАРА · DINARA · DINARJEV · ДИНАРИ · 5 1991
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1990 9,354,000 1 XF 0.95 USD
1991 113,420,000 2 XF 0.45 USD
obverse of 10 Dinara (1992) coin with KM# 152 from Yugoslavia. reverse of 10 Dinara (1992) coin with KM# 152 from Yugoslavia.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1992 76,607,000 1 XF 0.25 USD
obverse of 5 Para (1994 - 1996) coin with KM# 164 from Yugoslavia. reverse of 5 Para (1994 - 1996) coin with KM# 164 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: 5 PARA 1994
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 30,408,000 3 VF 0.12 USD
obverse of 50 Para - Smaller (1994) coin with KM# 163 from Yugoslavia. reverse of 50 Para - Smaller (1994) coin with KM# 163 from Yugoslavia.
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 45,013,000 2 XF 0.38 USD
obverse of 50 Para - Larger; With eagle (1996 - 1999) coin with KM# 174 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: SR JUGOSLAVIJA СР ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА reverse of 50 Para - Larger; With eagle (1996 - 1999) coin with KM# 174 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ПАРА 50 PARA
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 3,520,000 1 XF 0.5 USD
1997 14,742,000 2 VF 0.25 USD
1998 20,050,000 3 XF 0.5 USD
obverse of 1 Novi Dinar - Larger; ЈНБ logo (1994 - 1995) coin with KM# 165 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: SR JUGOSLAVIJA СР ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА reverse of 1 Novi Dinar - Larger; ЈНБ logo (1994 - 1995) coin with KM# 165 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: НОВИ ДИНАР · NOVI DINAR 1 1994
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1994 47,755,000 2 VF 0.25 USD
1995 10,359,000 1 VF 0.32 USD
obverse of 1 Novi Dinar - Smaller; With eagle (1996 - 1999) coin with KM# 168 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: SR JUGOSLAVIJA СР JУГОСЛАВИJА reverse of 1 Novi Dinar - Smaller; With eagle (1996 - 1999) coin with KM# 168 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: НОВИ ДИНАР 1 NOVI DINAR 1996
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
1996 80,122,000 1 XF 0.5 USD
1999 21,686,000 2 XF 0.5 USD
obverse of 1 Dinar (2000 - 2002) coin with KM# 180 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: СР ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА SR JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 1 Dinar (2000 - 2002) coin with KM# 180 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ДИНАР - DINAR 1 2002
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2002 60,780,000 2 XF 0.13 USD
obverse of 2 Dinara (2000 - 2002) coin with KM# 181 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: CP ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА SR JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 2 Dinara (2000 - 2002) coin with KM# 181 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ДИНАРА · DINARA 2 2002
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 10,071,000 1 VF 0.07 USD
2002 71,053,000 2 XF 0.15 USD
obverse of 5 Dinara (2000 - 2002) coin with KM# 182 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: CP ЈУГОСЛАВИЈА · SR JUGOSLAVIJA reverse of 5 Dinara (2000 - 2002) coin with KM# 182 from Yugoslavia. Inscription: ДИНАРА · DINARA 5 2000
Year Mintage Comment Quantity Catalog Value
2000 32,762,500 2 XF 0.6 USD
2002 30,966,000 2 XF 0.6 USD

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